To Julian Bond from Sandra Jean Gerton, 16 Sept 1968, with Bond's draft response





677 Cecil Avenue September 16, 1968 Louisville, Kentucky

Dear Mr. Bond,

Having admired you for so long, I thought I should write you. If you don't mind my asking, how could a young man of 28 years old be so worldly and intelligent?? How long have you been interested in Politics?? When did you first get interested in Free-lance Publicity and Research plus writing Poetry?

I know you don't know anything about me, so I'll tell you. I am a high school graduate, 21

Last edit 7 months ago by Severian Gardi


-2 years old and stand at 4'11''. If I may pay you another comliment, I have always found you very attractive since seeing you in 1959 in one of our local papers. I was 9 years old and you see I still haven't forgotten you. If you have a moment to spare, I wish you would please send me an answer to this letter along with an autographed picture. I would appreciate both very much.

Very sincerely yours, Sandra Jean Gerton

Last edit 7 months ago by Severian Gardi


Dear ------ Thank you You say you are 21 but you also say you were 9 years old in 1959. That would make you 17 or 18 now. I have been in politics since 1965. I hope you will Sincerely,

Last edit 7 months ago by Severian Gardi
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