To Julian Bond from Abraham Feinberg, 27 Sept 1968, with Bond's draft response





September 25 [circled, in red] Thanks1968

Hon. Julian Bond 162 Euharlee Street, S.W. Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mr. Bond:

When you spoke so eloquently at the Spring Mobilization Rally in San Fransisco April 15, 1967, I also was on the program. In January, 1967, I had gone on a "mission" to North Viet Nam with Rev. A.J. Muste (N.Y.), Bishop Reeves (England) and , for part of the way, Dr. Niemoeller (Germany).

Since then your stature has grown each day - and now you are a world-renowned spokesman for peace and freedom. While I, at the time, was contemplating a book about my trip to the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam - in which I am sure you will be interested. So I take the liberty to write you this letter.

After long struggle with seriously impaired eye-sight, I finally completed the book. It is called HANOI DIARY, and will be published October 11, 1968, by Longmans Canada, generally regarded as the best house in this country. Cloth-bound ($5.25) and paperback ($1.25) -- both at once!

HANOI DIARY is based on an actual diary I kept throughout the five-week journey -- en route, in mainland China and especially in Hanoi: what we saw, heard, "smelled", and our on-the-spot reactions.

In the course of the narrative HANOI DIARY defends civil disobedience, probes the psyche of the Vietnamese (not only through talks with Ho Chi Minh and other leaders, but through contacts with the people) and reveals some basic realities about the National Liberation Front, etc., which U.S. peace negotiators in Paris continue to ignore.

[The following is the marginal content of the letterhead.] [Centered] 154 Old Forest Hill Road Toronto 10, Ontario, Canada [Left side margin.] Abraham L Feinberg, D.D., LL. D. Rabbi-Emeritus Holy Blossom Temple

Last edit about 1 month ago by Aaron VanHove



Under separate cover I am sending you a cloth-bound copy. (It just came off the press!) I hope you will take time soon to read it and let me have a comment for possible quotation by the publisher. Above all, perhaps you will help get HANOI DIARY published in the U.S. and Europe. That would be help indeed!

In his Introduction Linus Pauling writes that HANOI DIARY "is an important...contribution to world peace and world sanity". I fervently hope he is right.

Please convey heart-gelt and affectionate greetings from my wife and myself to that very great human being Coretta King. I shared a platform with her not only in S.F. that April 15 but later in Atlanta.

God bless and strengthen you both - and all people everywhere who strive for their own freedom and the freedom of others.

With warm good wishes,


[signed] Abraham L. Feinberg

Abraham L. Feinberg

Last edit about 1 month ago by Aaron VanHove
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