From Julian Bond to Runitha Hawkins, 20 Jan 1970





January 20, 1970

Dear Miss Hawkins,

Thank you for your letter.

I am working with a group of people connected with the SCLC and the C. B. King for Governor campaign who are trying to raise some money for voter registration campaigns this spring and summer.

Have you tried to get funds from the Voter Education Project, 5 Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Georgia? They may be able to be of some help. I hope you will continue to stay in touch with me, and will feel assured that if I can be of any help or if I can come there to assist you that you will fell free to call on me.


Julian Bond

Miss Runitha Hawkins Route 3, Box 73 Newton, Georgia 31770

Last edit 17 days ago by TeeTwoThree
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