From Julian Bond to Arthur Hansen, 26 Feb 1970





February 26, 1970

Dr. Arthur Hansen Office of the Pres. GEORGIA TECH Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Dr. Hansen:

Thank you for your letter. I can only answer by saying I do not recall whether or not I was invited to appear at the Panther meeting. I have a notoriously bad memory, and have in fact, scheduled myself to speak at two meetings set for the same time on Wednesday evening at two different sites.

I can only say that had I been invited and had my schedule allowed, I would have been only too happy to have appeared.

I realize that some members of the state senate were upset by the meeting, by that is to be expected from men who cannot see the benefit in a free exchange of ideas and ideologies.

Georgi Tech ought to be congratulated for allowing the meeting to take place, although why anyone ought to be proud to have permitted First Amendment rights to be exercised is beyond me.

As the son of a man who was President of two colleges, one a state-supported college in Georgia, you have my every sympathy and best wishes.


Julian Bond

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