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Arizona, Maine, Montana and Texas killed anti-affirmative action legislations. 22

Ane the University of Georgia - of all places - has announced and all-out fight to save their race-based admissions policy. The University of Michigan has mounted a no-holds barred defensive of affirmatice action against the legal bullies who have sue the university. Where is the U of Mass?

Three times last year, in March, April and May, by bi-partisan majorities, the United States Congress rejected attempts to eliminate affirmative action time and again.

The threat to affirmative action doesn't come from the people, it comes from the courts.

Polls show that fewer than one in four Americans support the outright elimination of affirmative action.23 In California, well over thwo thirds of blacks and Latinos opposed Proposition 209, as did clear majority of Asian-Americans and Jews. 24

The threat comes from judges appointed by Presidents Reagan and Bush.

Maybe Americans are getting the message - not the message the enemies of justice want them to hear, but the message of what the end of affirmatice action has sent black and latinos students cascading down the education ladder.

No school anywhere in America admits students on SAT scores alone.

No one in this audience got into college on SAT scores alone.

If the country's top dozen law schools were to do so, blacks and Latinos - who jointly comprise about 20 percent of the student age population - would amount to barely on percent of the entering classes. 25

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