



Status: Complete

Misses Phinney & Ramsey visited our class this a.m.
and remained to the bitter end. It seemed to me the others did
more than usual.

April 19, 1922 – Wednesday
Two box wallahs came today, from the first of whom no
one bought anything except Mrs. H., who got some white
stockings; the second had lace, so as usual, several of
us bought more or less freely; I got a baby cap, two sets
of square medalions, and a medium sized round
center; I. got some square pockets – rather wish I
had done so, too; but perhaps I'll have a chance later.
Mrs. H. mailed the Shan bag I'm sending to Mrs. Dell &
got me R4 of stamps in additon. Local postage goes
up the 24th of this mo., so I must get everything that
I can off before that time. After break. I worked on
the chiffons & white ribbons I. donated for the bridal
bouquets tomorrow; the former had to be washed,
& then all had to be pressed; then the ribbons knotted
& put on three different small safeties – graduated,
& then all trimmed, & finally given in Mrs. H.'s charge
who helped with the pressing, tho' we only had one
small iron, Miss G's. We had A.B.M. prayer meeting
at the Tilbes; several not there, but a most interesting
session, Mr. Jury (a Canadian A.B.M.) leading. Miss Parrott came
this aft. & is with Mrs. Heptonstall; they were not present, but
Mrs. H. was & presided at the organ. Miss P. was their brides
maid 25 yrs. ago & is going to appear at the reception to-
morrow [tomorrow] in the gown that she wore that day – but this is a
secret for the time being. I promised Saya to take the
baby's picture today, but on acc't of fixing the ribbon,
etc. had to postpone it, only till tomorrow, I hope; trust
they were not greatly inconvenienced thereby. Mrs. H. Is
responsible for the 3 bouquets of 25 white roses each
for tomorrow, the Cummings & Phinneys – at whose
cottage the celebration is to be held – being the other 2 coup-

les [couples]. Saw the latter this aft. for the first time since their
arrival, as they only came Tues.

April 20, 1922 – Thursday
Got Easter greetings from Sadie Tillard & Miss Sue Wover
yes. aft., also several periodicals including the March &
April copies of "Asia"; this a.m. no. 6 letter came from Kath-
arine [Katherine]. We'd about decided to take the pictures this p.m.
but it was so cloudy that our films would be wasted.
E. & B. went to town before break for some tin foil to make the
little silver presents, which were in boxes, on velvet, & too
cute for words; the goblets for the C's marked Tiffany's;
the bowl for the P's marked Rogers; & the knife, fork,
spoon & napkin ring for the H's labled community.
Mrs. H. made the pink bouquet for Mrs. P & I made the
white ones for the other two, R. also helping. I. had a lesson
followed by the H's; then we 3 hurried off with all the
things, as the others were not ready & we did not
want the flowers to be late. They took pictures of the
party as soon as we got there, the C. twins standing
with their parents, & Miss P. in her pink silk cream lace
trimmed dress, very long & full according to present day
styles, with full length double puffed sleeves standing
beside the H's. Then we went into the house to the wedding
march played on the victrola, & Mrs H. & I showered the
honoraries with rose petals. We had delicious white &
brown bread sandwiches, cakes & candy – homemade –
of several varieties, & apple juice mixed with something
else to drink. The others from our house were late getting there & missed
most of the fun; I was very fearful about the silver
"gifts" as the men quietly pocketed them so had to send
word by Miss Rainey that they were to be opened & displayed
on the center table. Dr. Tilbe made a suitable address &
was very happy in his remarks, to which Mr. P, Dr. [page damaged]

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