



Status: Complete


July 20, 1922 -Thursday
As soon as my Eng. class was over this a.m. I
went to Mr. A's room & sat thru an Eng. Lit. class;
his pronunciation is very bad, but his explana-
tions [explanations] did fairly well; this was the 8th stan. & they
are studying Macauley's "Lays of Ancient Rome".
Then I went into Miss M's room; she was teach-
the 10th s. "The Heroes" by Kingsley. Next Ma Tiut
came in & gave them a Geog. lesson, this was
rather dull for me, & as her explanations
seemed clear, I left, going to the 9th s. where
Miss M. was hearing an Eng. Hist. lesson; had
only been there a few mins. when the break bell
rang & I took my departure. Asked each of the
H.S. teachers to make me out a schedule by
tomorrow p.m.; Mrs. E has one by classes & I
want one by teachers, as they rotate. Mrs. E. had the
bed moved into the guest room, & my two trunks
which have been in there, shifted to the trunk room
so my domain presented quite a different ap-
pearance [appearance]. Late in the aft, when Jim. came a-
long [along}, I made him help me shift my steamer
trunk to the other (west side), as it gives much
better balance for the present, but later on
when my book-cases come, I'll move it back
again, but in front of the doors next time. Cor-
rected [Corrected] note-books after dinner; had Bible class
& tea as usual. Still sleepy; don't seem to get over it in
spite of the quinine. We've finished up the best cake
left from the "tea" but still have some of the other

two on hands.

July 21, 1922 – Friday
Went into Miss M's class again this a.m. as she was
having a hygiene lesson, first the eye & later the ear;
got my kodak in order to demonstrate the lens,
shutter, dark chamber, etc., & then talked about the ear. Ma T. came in for an
algebra lesson; I asked several questions as usu-
al [usual], but have made no criticisms as yet. Went in a
gharry to Misses H's & S – M's, going 1st to the press
for 2 tubes of glue, & then to the p.o. to get the money
order for Dr. M. of Rangoon, but it was closed,
worse luck. Had a nice "tea", drank 2 weak cups,
was late getting there as my watch was behind the
downtown time. Then we went all over the Chil-
dren's [Children's] Hosp., & finally on the moat about 6 p.m.
As it was so late we did not get to go far, but there
was a fair sunset & fine cloud effects. The Cath.
nuns were out with their children, of whom
there seem to be swarms. Immediately on our
return Miss S.M. had to run to the hosp., while af-
ter [after] a lemon soda, Miss H. walked to the tram
line with me; there I picked up an open gharry & started
home; a rain came up & I was caught; the
driver got out & put up the entirely inadequate
top, while I shielded my front as best I could with
my umbrella, but I had to run up & change before
dinner. Mrs. E. returned from prayer meeting
soon thereafter. I found my Lit. Digs. returned by
Miss P., so, in the meantime took her the others
she had not seen. Gave Mary a big dose of salts
before I went out this aft; well followed with a

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