Geek Weekly #3

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GW#3 - p16 ERROR
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GW#3 - p16 ERROR

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Last edit almost 10 years ago by Jennifer Hecker
GW#3 - p17 ERROR
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GW#3 - p17 ERROR

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Last edit almost 10 years ago by Jennifer Hecker
GW#3 - p18 (16)

GW#3 - p18 (16)

Ode to Punk Rock

Went to Emo's jest last night Got fucked up, got in a fight Head feels like a cinder block Sold my life to ol' punk rock Butthole Surfers, D.O.A., Like what them boys got to say Buzzed my hair right off my head Ripped my clothes up thread by thread I'm so tough now, I'm so cool Punk rock chicks around me drool Race & run from show to show Bummin' rides where ever I go I''m too cool to own a car Throw up at my favorite bar Jump into a big mosh pit Tussle 'round, get beat to shit So bad I don't know where I am Meaner than the Son of Sam Lean against the wall and slump Smell like somethin' from the dump The greatest scenester you ever seen Stage dive pranks & I careen Right into a cop who hauls me in I scream "Fuck you!" & then a grin Falls on my face 'cause he can't see I'm a cool punk rocker, marvelous me Throw me in jail, see if I scare My mom' ll bail me outta there In fact, there's my mom now To give me a ride home, but Dude, if you forget for a minute How bad I am, I'll I tear your Head off & shit down your neck!

-Dave Jungen (he's just like punk, only he's a poet)

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17
GW#3 - p19 (17)
Needs Review

GW#3 - p19 (17)

1. AMIC (round the neck) 2. Ама (wom as a bood)

TYPES OF AUGER A, screw auger; B, ship auger; c. lip-ring auger

Ok, Austin. We've got to get the punks to vote. I don't care what anyone says, voting does matter, you've got power, maybe not much, but if we all get on the ball, we can make something happen. If you feel like you are just a drop in the bucket, it's because you are. But here's something you can do about it: Next time you come across a stack of voter registration cards, fill one out, then send it in, then give one to someone else, maybe lots of people, an then go vote, and take a bunch of people with you.

The thing is, most of the kids I know don't want to vote because they don't want to "play their game." Sure you don't want to be part of the System and take part in the fucked up workings of this institutionalized establishment, but the problem with that is that you are doing exactly what They want you to do. See, whether we like it or not we were born into this system. Sure you can change your identity, try to become anonymous, even live in a fucking cave in the mountains, but somebody is going to own that cave, and it ain't gonna be you. Someone will have political control over you no matter where the fuck you go unless you start your own country, which-especially if you don't follow politics- is going to be extremely fucking difficult. But if you vote, maybe we can gain a little power. Remember when Rock the Vote started? clinton won. Sounds like an influx of young voters to me. And the coolest part is that politicians can see that and they've already started courting younger people, not much, granted, but if we keep voting and our numbers keep going up, They' ll gaet scared and start checking us out and maybe even trying to find out what we really want instead of cramming what They think we want down our throats.

Here's an example of how they are keeping potentially powerful people out of the way (I know this is totally paranoid, but it is one of the only conspiracy theories I believe in): So my friend goes to a Dead show in Atlanta and I ask him a bunch of questions when he comes back since I've never gone to one and I nevar plan to and I'm wondering how it all works what with the cops and the drugs and all. So I say, "If the cops know there are all these people camped out with all these highly illegal drugs in their possession, why don't they just do this massive raid and bust a bunch of people and put 'em in jail?" "Well," he says, "they aren't hurting anyone, so I guess the cops just don't want to bother with it." Seems to me there's more to it than that. I know how much cops like to bust kids and people with drugs- they LOVE it. So why wouldn't these cops have a fucking field day here? Because, as long as these potentially revolutionary folks are all high and happy and only interested in seein' this band all the time and stayin' high, They have nothing to fear from them. If there was a real crackdown on drugs (not just a bunch of media hype and publicity busts), then less people would be high and more people would be spending time trying to subvert the Man and the System-and get their drugs back-and they'd all be fuckin' shit up! And voting!! Now They can't have that horrific scenario come to life, can They? So They just let us do our drugs and leave them the fuck alone so that They can take over the world without us even noticing- much less getting in Their way.

So go vote. And take someone with you. If you don't have an address to put on the voter registration card (which you can get at grocery stores, post offices, schools, etc.) put mine on there. I could use some more mail anyway. Write me- lets talk about this. And in the meantime, go out there and fuck shit up!!


Last edit over 5 years ago by deleted_147762_katiemonica
GW#3 - p20 (18)
Needs Review

GW#3 - p20 (18)



-Yep, Shane's foot is the one w/ the fishnets...


Apparently, the Nuclear War people have decided not to put out a fourth edition of the game, at least for now, but they are relaeasing booster packs of cards. Get 'em! (Here are a couple of the new ones.)

Speaking of geeks - and that is what we're talkin' about here - the Oblivians are the fucking coolest bunch of geeks around! Geeks from Memphis, music to my ears. Garage geeks from Memphis. Nothin' better. Mm, mm, mm.

The Geek List

the Oblivians Chepo and Ryan Peek-a-Fuckin'-Boo Buddy Holly Dave Nickerson Steve Martin (x2)

Last edit about 5 years ago by guest_user
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 32 in total