


Status: Complete

Iowa Seed Company, Des Moines, Iowa.

Godetia- Handsome plants for borders or ribbon beds, flowers very bright, consistent bloomers; best varieties mixed. 5.
Gypsophila Elegans- Very handsome small flowers, produced in loose panicles in great abundance; fine for bouquets; also much used dried for winter bouquets; mixed colors. 5.
Helianthus-(Sunflower)- Some varieties of this well known plant are very ornamental:
-Globosus Fistulosus- Double, the best of the tall varieties. 5.
-Nanus- True double dwarf, quite pretty. 5.
Variegated- Handsome ornamental foliage. 10.
-Mammoth Russian- Largest of all; per lb. 50c; oz. 10c. 5.
-Common- Per lb. 40c; oz. 10c. 5.
Heliotrope- A great favorite with all lovers of flowers for their beauty and fragrance; well suited for beds, borders and pot culture; all varieties mixed. 10.
Hybiscus Africanus- Handsome hardy annuals with large highly colored flowers. 5.
Hyacinthus Candicans- A vigorous grower, throwing up flower stalks three to four feet high, with beautiful, white, drooping flowers; fine for mixing in beds of Gladiolus; blooms the second year from the seed. 10.
Ice Plant- A very attractive trailing plant, much admired for baskets and rockeries. 5.
Jacobaea- Blooms throughout the season, making a brilliant show; mixed varieties. 10.
Kaulfussia- Good border plants. 5.
Lantana- Greenhouse perennial; makes a fine bedding or pot plant; easily grown from seed:
-Hybrida- Best mixed. 15.
Larkspur- Beautiful plants with fine cut leaves. They do best in a rather heavy rich soil:
-Double Striped- The handsomest variety extant, colors bright and distinct. 5.
-Dwarf German Rocket- Mixed colors . 5.
-Tall German Rocket- Mixed varieties. 5.
-Hybrida- Very fine; mixed varieties. 10.
Leptosiphon- Very handsome in borders or ribbon beds; succeed best if shaded a little; mixed. 10.
Linum-(Scarlet Flax). 5.
Lobelia- Handsome trailing plants; profuse bloomers; elegant for baskets, vases or borders:
-Crystal Palace- Handsome blue. 5.
-Erinus- Mixed colors. 5.
Lupinus- Commonly called Sun Dials; flowers of very bright colors, produced in spikes; a fine bedding plant:
-Mixed Varieties. 5.
Lychnis- Very desirable hardy perennials; blooming the first year if sown early:
-Haageana Hybrida- Fine mixed varieties. 10.
Malope- Strong growing plants, with pretty blue and white flowers, produced in great abundance; mixed. 5.
Matricaria Capensis-(Double Feverfew)- This may be called everybody's favorite; a splendid bedding plant, and one of the best to pot for winter flowers; pure white. 10.
-Golden-(See Pyretherum.)
Marigold, African- Double mixed. 5.
-French- Double mixed. 5.
-Dwarf French- Double mixed. 5.
Mignonette- Well-known sweet-scented little flowers; fine for borders or masses:
-Sweet-Scented- The old favorite; per oz. 20c. 5.
-Grandiflora- Large flowered. 5.
-Golden Queen- A very distinct new variety, with bright golden flowers. 10.
-Parson's White- Very pretty. 5.
-Miles' Spiral- Long and large spikes. 5.
-Machet- A variety of very dwarf, vigorous growth, with massive spikes of deliciously-scented red flowers; the best of all sorts for pots. 15.
Mimulus Moschatus- (Musk Plant). 10.
-Tigrinus- Tigred [Tigered?] and spotted varieties; very fine. 10.
--Duplex- Beautiful double (Hose in Hose) tigered and spotted varieties. 10.
Myrabilis Jalapa-(Four o'clocks)- An old favorite, useful for massing or borders. 5.
Myosotis-(Forget-me-nots)- Perennials; bloom first year from seed. Pretty plants with neat little star-shaped flowers:
-Alpestris- Blue. 5.
--White. 5.

-Palustris- True Forget-me-not; blue. 10.
Nasturtium-(Tom Thumb)- None of the annuals make a prettier bed. The brilliant coloring of the flowers are very attractive:
-Extra Choice Mixed Colors. 5.
-Crystal Palace Gem- Sulphur, spotted with maroon. 5.
-Empress of India- A splendid new, dark-leaved variety with crimson flowers. 10.
Nemophila- Elegrant little plants for early spring flowers, and will bloom freely all summer if protected a little from the hot sun; six to eight inches high; mixed colors. 5.
Nicotiana Affinis- Very valuable plant, three feet high; produces freely deliciously-scented, large white tubulous flowers. 10.
Nigelia-(Love in a Mist)- Hardy annuals, about one foot in height, finely cut leaves with handsome flowers; blooms early; mixed. 5.
Nolana- Flowers cup-shape with pretty shades of violet and blue; mixed varieties. 5.
Oenothera-(Evening Primrose)- An interesting half hardy annual, opening its flowers towards evening with a snap that is sure to attract attention, especially of the children.
-Acaulis Alba- Pure white, very handsome. 10.
-Lamackiana- Yellow. 5.
Oxalis- Handsome basket plant; summer or winter; fine for rockeries. 10.
Pansy- This little beauty needs no extended description, as it would be hard to find even a child in the land whose heart has not been gladdened by their bright faces. Succeeds in any rich soil, but flowers will be small in mid-summer, where exposed to the sun. Should be freely watered in dry weather. Seed started in February or March will produce early spring flowers. Very pretty and effective ribbon beds can be made with these separate colors:
-Azure Blue- Very fine shade of sky blue. 10.
-Bronze-Colored- Handsome. 10.
-Cliveden Purple- A very rich color. 10.
-Violet Margined with White. 10.
-Pure White- Appropriate for cemeteries. 10.
-Golden Yellow- Best of the yellow varieties; desirable as a contrast. 10.
-Faust-(King of the Blacks)- Jet black. 10.
-Snow Queen- Flowers of a delicate, pure, satiny white, handsome and attractive. 15.
-Emperor William- Ultra-marine blue. 10.
-Odier, or Blotched- This superb, large variety of pansies have been much improved. 20.
-Lord Baconsfield- New, large flowers of deep purple violet, shading off in the petals to a white hue. 15.
-Quadricolor- New and distinct; fine. 10.
-Trimardeau, or Giant- New. See description on Novelty Sheet, page 11. 35.
-Choice German Mixed- Magnificent large velvety flowers of richest hues and colors. 25.
-Choice Large-flowering Mixed- Very fine. 20.
-Fine Mixed- Choice varieties. Per oz. $2.25. 10.
-Good Mixed- Per oz, $1.50. 5.
-One packet each of the first twelve varieties, $1.00.
-One packet each of the fifteen varieties, $1.50.
Perilla Nankinensis- An elegant, finely cut leave foliage plant. 5.
Petunia- Are easily grown from seed and succeed in any common soil. The double varieties require more care and should be started in the house. The great variety of bright colors, beautiful stripings and markings and constant show of bloom make them general favorites:
-Fine Mixed Colors. 5.
-Hybrida- Extra fine striped and blotched varieties; mixed colors; handsome. 10.
-Grandiflora Fimbriata- Finest fringed varieties in mixture combining elegance of form, with great diversity of delicate and charming colors. Extra large flowers. 20.
-Double Inimitable- Splendid mixture; our seed is Benary's best and will produce a large percentage of the fine double-flowering plants. 25.
Phlox Drummondi- If we could have but one flower for our garden, that one would be the Phlox. Its brilliant shades of color ranging from clear white to brilliant scarlet make and almost dazzling show; continually in bloom:
-Alba- Pure white. 10.

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