


Status: Complete

[inside front cover]


We have gone to considerable expense this year in order to show our customers the exquisite beauty of these roses which will be found represented on our front cover. They are of such superior merit that we desire that every flower lover should have them. They are the roses which we believe will suit the popular taste, and no one can fail to appreciate their charming beauty.
METEOR—This splendid rose is one of the brightest colored of all, and must be considered among the very best for bedding and general planting, as well as for growing in pots and conservatory. The color is a rich velvety crimson, exceedingly bright and striking, and the flowers are large and regular, fully double and borne on nice, long stems. It is a quick and constant bloomer, and quite fragrant. Never fails to please. It is one of the richest colored roses in existance [existence], and no collection would be complete without it. Each 25c., 5 for $1.00.
DWARF MARECHAL NEIL(Our Perle)—Poets never tire of singing the praises of the Marechal Neil, the most famous of all roses, and its magnificent golden yellow buds are worn the world over and the people always delight in it. We have seen greenhouses devoted to a single plant of this climbing variety, from which 500 to 2,000 rose buds are cut every day the year around. Why then don’t every one grow it. Simply because they are difficult to grow properly in the northern states, and there are many even among the florists who do not succeed with it. But this grand dwarf variety is of the easiest culture and sure to succeed for every one. It is a sturdy vigorous grower, strong and healthy, but shows no inclination to climb. The flowers are produced in the greatest profusion and it blooms almost continuously the year around if well cared for. The buds are of the most beautiful golden yellow perfectly formed and handsomely pointed, and of the largest and most massive size, the petals being slightly reflexed. They keep a long time after cutting and are therefore the best flower imaginable for evening wear. They are handsome at every stage of development, from the smallest bud to the full open flower which is very full and double and of immense size. The color always has a peculiar softness and delicacy not observed in any other variety. Unusually fragrant. We believe it to be unequalled for either pot culture or bedding, and every flower lover must have it. Price 25c. each, 5 for $1.00.
LA FRANCE—One of the most beautiful of all roses, and is unexcelled by any in its delightful fragrance, very large, very double, superbly formed. It is difficult to convey an idea of its beautiful coloring, but the prevailing color is light silvery pink, shaded with silvery peach. It blooms continuously throughout the season, often blooming so freely as to check the growth of the plant, in which case a portion of the buds should be removed; stands first among the roses of our climate. In addition to this, it is entirely hardy with a slight protection of leaves, and most delciously [deliciously] fragrant, thus combining in a marked degree all the qualities of a perfect rose. Each, 25c., 5 for $1.00.
CLOTHILDE SOUPERT—A decided novelty, and one which should be in the collection of every lover of roses. It originated with one of the largest firms of rose growers in Europe, by a hybridization of a Tea and Polyantha rose, thus giving it the large flower and strong growth of the Tea class added to the profuse flowering of the Polyantha. It makes a handsome symmetrical bush, 15 to 18 inches high. The flowers, are large, very double of perfect shape, the outer petals are pearly white, shading to a center of rosy pink. It is fragrant and a constant bloomer, sure to become a favorite, either for pot plants or garden bedding. See illustration on cover of catalogue, and be sure to include at least one of these charming plants in your order. Each, 25c., 5 for $1.00.
COLLECTION—One strong plant each of the four choice roses named above postpaid for 75c.
HARDY DOUBLE RUSSIAN VIOLET—The representation of this on front cover of catalogue does not do it justice. It is a splendid hardy plant, and will be found more fully described on page 70. Each 15c., per doz., $1.35.


(Illustrated on back cover of Catalogue.)


We take pleasure in calling the attention of our customers to this splendid variety, as the best variety of black grapes for home culture. While it is not a novelty, still it is one of the older sorts which has never been largely advertised or pushed. It is the grape of all others for those who only have space for a few vines and grow them for their own use. It will be found adapt itself to a very wide range of soils from deep black loam to clay, and is a strong, vigorous grower everywhere. It is perfectly hardy. requiring no protection whatever, and is undoubtedly the best grape for arbors or covering verandas in the whole list, thus giving it an added value for the family garden. The foliage is a bright pleasing green, while the under side of leaf is a beautiful golden yellow. The bunch is medium to large, and of the best possible shape, seldom shouldered. Berry larger than Concord and ripens earlier. Very productive. Flavor decidedly the best of all the black grapes, very juicy, tender and delicious. Moreover it is a long keeper, and can be left on the vine two or three weeks after ripe and still retain its delightful flavor and color. The berries seldom burst open, and thus the bunches always look well. Can be kept until Christmas in good condition. Adheres firmly to stem. Skin thin but tough. W. M. Bomberger, one of the best posted grape specialists in this state, classes the Cottage as the best variety for family use in existence and the most satisfactory grape to sell fruit of to his retail trade. as wherever he sells a basket of grapes he is almost sure of an order for a dozen vines. Everything considered it is the most satisfactory variety in the entire list. If you have room for only one to a dozen vines, or if you want 5,000, take the Cottage and order early, as stock is limited. Price for strong two year vines 25 cents each, $2.00 for 10, $4.00 for 25. Write for prices by the 100 and 1,000.


We take great pride in placing this splendid new plum in the hands of our customers as we are sure it will give the best of satisfaction everywhere.
It is well known that a number of the best varieties of our Native Plums originated in this state, such as the Wolf, Weaver, Hawkeye, Confort, Wyant, etc, and as it is equally well known that in a very large area of the “west,” comprising the rich black loam of our prairies and river bottoms, the native sorts are the only ones that well repay the labor of the planter. The Stoddart originated in North Eastern Iowa, has been tested for about ten years, and for large size, hardiness of tree, good quality and abundant bearing, we think it has no competitor. It stands at the head of the list.
Its discovery was accidental and we believe it has never before been offered for sale. It is of perfect form, and the largest size, many specimens measuring 6½ inches and upward. It is an immense bearer, the trees being fairly loaded with fruit. Color well shown by our illustration on cover. It is the most profitable native plum known. Price, strong well grown trees $1.50 each. Not more than six sold to any one person.


The best variety for family use in the whole list as it is a perfect flowered sort, and bears immensely. We have had reports from all parts of the country, and it gives universal satisfaction.
The plant is robust, free from disease, stooling heavily, and renewing itself sufficiently by strong runners. It is a model in make up; endures the extremes of heat and cold remarkably well. Berry regular, uniformly large, conical, with a neck glossy scarlet crimson; ripens all over; flesh firm, crimson, no hollow core; seeds golden, becoming crimson, prominent, protecting surface in handling; quality excellent. Flowers perfect always setting perfect fruit. which is borne in the greatest profusion, the rate of fifteen thousand quarts to the acre having been gathered. The fruit carries well and brings the very highest price in market. Season medium to very late. Per 10, $1.00. Per 100, $5.50, postpaid.
The Rural New Yorker says of this variety: “We have picked more berries from the 24 plants of Parker Earle than any other 24 plants ever raised here. It stands at the head and all things considered is the best berry on the list.”
The Parker Earle is difficult to propagate and will always remain high. Look out for irresponsible dealers who offer them at low prices,[.]


REED’S EARLY PRIZE PEAS—The best early sort for family use or market. See description on page 21. Per pkt. 10c., ½ pt. 25c,[.], qt[.]75c., postpaid.
IOWA SEED CO’S. SHORT STEM DRUMHEAD CABBAGE—The best cabbage in existence for main crop. See description on page 7 and don’t fail to try it. Pkt. 10c., oz. 25c., ¼ lb. 85c., lb. $3.00.
THREE KING’S ONIONS—These splendid mammoth onions should be grown by every one. See description on page 20. One packet of each for only 20 cents, postpaid.
DIXIE WATERMELON—Every one who loves nice melons (and who don’t), should read the description of this grand variety on page 17 and be sure to try it this year. Per pkt. 5c. oz. 10c., ¼ lb. 35c. lb. $1.25.
PICTURE ROCK TOMATO—One of the best tomatoes in existence. Sure to please all who try it. See description on page 27. In packets only, 10 cts. each, 3 for 25 cts.
VICK’S EARLY SCARLET GLOBE RADISH—We have sold this splendid variety for several years and it always gives such excellent satisfaction that we are glad to call the more especial attention of our customers to it. See page 23. Per pkt. 5c., oz. 10c., ¼ lb. 35c. lb. $1.00.


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