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These are a specialty with us, and our fields devoted to them make a most magnificent sight each year, appearing at a distance a mass of bright colors. We grow the largest number and the largest variety to be found in this part of the country. It is the most desirable of all bulbs, and claimed by many who are well acquainted with their varied beauty to be the flower of flowers. Our bulbs will produce immense spikes of bloom. Gladiolus are of very easy culture, and to have a constant succession of flowers the bulbs should be planted at intervals from the middle of April until the first of July. We have greatly reduced our price this year to induce all to try our superb varieties.
ROYAL QUEEN.--We do not hesitate to call this by far the finest and largest flowering variety of gladiolus ever introduced. The bulb, or corm, is usually very large, producing a strong, stiff flower stalk about three feet high. The flower spike is very long and well filled out on all sides. The flowers are of a clear, pearly white ground, striped and splashed with a rich carmine, shading to a rosy purple, most beautifully blotched and marbled, and of a delicate velvety texture. It is not affected by the heat and blooms freely. The flowers measure four inches in diameter when in cup form, or six inches spread and are held upright on the spike. If you want something extra fine don't fail to try the Royal Queen. Each 20c, 3 for 50c.
ARSINOE.--Fine satany [satiny] rose with bright carmine. Each 10c, 3 for 25c.
BRENCHLEYENSIS.--Deep vermillion scarlet. Each 5c, 3 for 10c.
CERES.--Large, strong spikes of bloom well laden with flowers of a beautiful blush white, marbled and striped with rose and carmine; one of the handsomest varieties grown. Each 5c, 3 for 12c.
CHILDSI.--An entirely new class in gladiolus and most decidedly different from all others. They comprise a large variety of colors, markings and blendings, some of them being very handsomely variegated. They are somewhat larger than the Lemoine and more open. Should be in every collection. Each 10c.
EUGENE SCRIBE.--Light pink, glazed with carmine; flowers very large and perfect. One of the most beautiful of the gladioli, and cannot be praised too highly; all should try it. Each 10c, 3 for 20c.
ISAAC BUCHANAN.--Best of yellow varieties. Each 10c, 3 for 20c.
LEANDER.--A unique new variety having large flowers of a soft and delicate lilac color, shaded and spotted with carmine and has a distinct white band in each petal. Each 10c, 3 for 25c.
NORMA.--The best white variety; large, straight, nice spikes, filled with large open flowers. Each 10c, 3 for 25c.
OPHIR.--Dark yellow, mottled with purple. Each 5c, 3 for 12c.
PRINCESS OF WALES.--White, blazed with carmine and rose, stained with deep carmine. Each 10c, 3 for 25c.

MEYERBEER.--Rose scarlet, amaranth red blotch. Each 10c, 3 for 25c.
SALMON PINK.--A handsome new variety of pure salmon pink color. Attractive. Each 10c, 3 for 25c.
CHOICEST MIXTURE.--Made up mainly from best named varieties. Each 5c, doz. 50c.
FINE MIXED.--Contains a nice assortment. Each 3c, doz. 25c. By express, $1.50 per 100.
CHOICE YELLOW VARIETIES.--Each 6c, doz. 60c.
RED VARIETIES MIXED.--Each 5c, doz. 40c.
SEEDLINGS.--A splendid assortment grown from the best hybrid mixed seed. There are sure to be a number of choice new varieties among these. Each 6c, doz. 50[c].
COLLECTION OF GLADIOLI.--Six choice named varieties, our selection of sorts, but all labeled, containing an assortment of colors. Also one packet of gladiolus seed of our own growing, carefully hybridized so as to produce new varieties; will bloom second year--all for 25c postpaid.
GLADIOLUS SEED.--One of the most interesting branches of Gladiolus culture is the growing of bulbs from seed. No skill or special care is required, and in the course of two or three years flowering bulbs will be secured. It is not only very interesting, but there is almost sure to be found new sorts that are the results of hybridization, and which could not be secured in any other way. Our seed is from the finest flowers, embracing hundreds of markings and colors. Pkt. 8c.

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nd rich orchid-like coloring,
has no equal. Emblazoned
ey ure [are] truly wonderful. The
g, and the individual flowers
ure clear salmon color with a
3 for 25c.
originated on our grounds.
rest purple known in gladiolus. Each 10c, 3 for 25c.
LEMOINI.--Fine, good sized flowers, closely set on the spike, which is about one foot long; upper petals of a creamy white color, tinted salmon red, the lower ones spotted with deep purplish crimson, bordered with bright yellow. Each 5c, doz. 50c.
MARIE LEMOINE.--Long spike of fine, well expanded flowers; upper divisions of a pale creamy color, flushed salmon lilac, the lower divisions spotted purplish violet, deep yellow border. Each 5c, doz. 50c.
MIXED LEMOINI.--Many charming sorts. Each 5c, doz. 50c.

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EFRACTA ALBA.--Small bulbs bearing peculiar clusters of
ite flowers of the most delicious fragrance, which last a long
e, even after being cut. It grows well and blooms freely in an
inary sitting room if placed near a window and not kept too
It appears to best advantage when four or five bulbs are set
six-inch pot in light, rich soil. Each 3c, doz. 20c.

DIELETRA. (Bleeding Heart.)
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Well known, hardy and pretty spring bloomers with graceful
oping sprays of flowers. Strong plants. Each 20c, 3 for 50c.

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IGANTEUM.--One of the finest plants in cultivation for winter
ming. Young bulbs, if well grown, will sometimes have as
y as 100 flowers open or ready to open at one time. The colors
y from the purest white to the brightest crimson and purple,
e of the flowers being beautifully spotted; foliage charmingly
egated green and gray, the under part of the leaves being
ht red. Easily grown and will bloom three or four months in
ession during the dullest part of the year. Each 25c.

[image] FREESIA.

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