





JUPITER FUCHSIA. A new giant flowered variety from France, Which we offer for the first time. The flowers are of really mammoth size with very large rich violet-purple double corolla, often two inches or more in diameter Tube and sepals bright crimson. Plant is a strong, hardy, free grower, which everyone can succeed with, and will attract attention everywhere. Each 15c.

LITTLE BEAUTY FUCHSIA. This is a charming variety and the freest flowering of all Fuchsias. It begins to bloom when only two or three inches high and continues to flower the year round, often one hundred open blossoms at one time on a single plant in a small pot Flowers of good size. Tube and sepals bright red, corolla deep purple. Every lover of Fuchsias should have this little gem. Each 15c.

SWAINSONIA. We bring prominently before flower lovers this distinct clumbing plant for house culture protected spots in the garden. The Swainsonla belongs to the Leguminosre, and is a native of Australia. The habit of growth is extremely graceful and the vines, trained up at the side of a window or on a trellis, present a lovely sight of light-green, feathery foliage, and a splendid profusion of pure white sprays of fairy-winged flowers , somewhat resembling Sweet Peas in form. Easily grown, and under favorable conditions it is almost a perpetual bloomer. There is certainly no climbing vine for house or conservatory culture to-day that is more desireable than this fine, new plant. Strong plants, by mail, 15 cents each ; 4 for 50 cents.

SOUVENIR DE BONN ABUTILON. This is entirely different from anything we have had before in the way of variegated Abutilons. It is a strong upright grower with large bright green foliage, distinctly edged with a broad band of creamy white and yellow. Flowers very large on stems 8 to 9 inches in length. Color bright orange red, very effective with its beautifully variegated follage. It Is one of the most distinct and showy ornamental foliage plants that has come to our notice in years, and when better known will be used in large quantities, for decorative purposes. Each 15c.


THE WONDER GERANIUM. This new geranium, without doubt, is the finest that has ever been offered, came from France in a lot of fine sorts, and is supposed to be a sport from the scarlet geranium, Athlete. It being so intense in color, such a wonderful bloomer and strong grower that it was kept separate and styled the "Wonder." from the fact that everyone who saw it pronounced it wonderful. The flowers are the most intense, dazzling scarlet, and are borne in trusses of enormous size, measuring from 18 to 20 inches in circumference wIth single florets measuring 7 inches in circumference. The foliage is fine and rich in color, and in strong contrast to the brilliant scarlet flowers. As a pot plant or bedding geranium, it has no equal. Each 15c.

V. H. HALLOCK CHRYSANTHEMUM. A rosy pearl of a marked waxy texture. The rosy color deepens toward the center. The flower is six inches in diameter, petals convex, rounded downwards half their length from the center, changing to a beautiful curved form. Center a slightly twisted incurve. One of the most wonderful varieties. Each 20c.

SOLANUM JASMINOIDES GRANDIFLORUM. This beautiful plant is of trailing or climbing habit, but if desired can be cut back to a bush form It has star.shaped flowers, something like a clematis, and borne in large clusters or panicles frequently a foot across They are in color a pure white with violet tinge on the back; it is equally a good bloomer in summer and winter, and is wonderfully effective when planted to cover a low wall or trellis, showing hundreds of magniflcent panicles of bloom The bloom remails perfect for a long time before fading. Each 15c.

YELLOW QUEEN CHRYSANTHEMUM The finest very early variety ever introduced, having been cut the past two seasons in fine condition on the 10th of October. Very large, clear, bright yellow with extra stout stem and foliage; the plants averaging two and a half feet high. It also develops its flowers to perfection in open air without protection. Awarded certificate of merit at New York shows, 1892, the blooms at that time having been kept in the cellar for two weeks. Best crown buds. Each 20c.

CHALLENGE CHRYSANTHEMUM. Large variety; a perfect globe of the brightest gold, depth and width being equal; a very strong stem and good foliage. This is a magnificent new sort which cannot fail to please the most fastidious, and will delight all flower lovers, as it is the greatest advance in yellow chrysanthemums that there has been for years. Plants are fairly loaded with flowers. We have grown a good stock and offer them at the low price of 10c each.

EIDERDOWN CHRYSANTHEMUM Large, perfectly double, incurved, snow white,late Japanese variety, covered with glandular hairs as in Mrs. Hardy, style of Kyoto, habit perfect, stems stiff and erect. Winning notoriety wherever shown. Each 20c.



Last edit 12 months ago by tacet




REDFIELD RASPBERRY. Decidedly the best fruit novelty of 1895, and we doubt it there will be any new variety of raspberries for several years to come which will be equal to it. It originated near the town of Redfield, Iowa, And was introduced and color-plated by us last spring. 'l'he berries are unusually large and luscious, somewhat similar to Shaffer'S Collosal in color and shape, but I here the resemblance ceases. The canes are very vigorous and unusually free from thorns or spines, being, in fact, quite s nooth. 'l'he foliage is similar to the Turner, yet it propagates from the tips like the cap varieties. It throws up a great many branches of fruit from the old canes; and in our trial grounds, lbeside a great many old and new sorts, it yielded three to four times as much fruit as any of them. In fact, the field where they were grown was so red with fruit when viewed from a distance as to suggest the name Redfield, even had it originated in some other locality. But the crowning features of all are the unequaled flavor, which is superior to all others, and the fact that the berry is of unusually large size and holds together well instead of crumbling like the Shaffers. 'l'his holding of its shape is a grand point for market or canning, and will be appreciated by housewives. 'l'he canes do not grow as long as Shaffer's, but are lower and heavy and better bale to stand hard storms. It is perfectly hardy, having never been injured in the slightest, even when the temperature we to 32 degrees below zero. Don't fail to try it this year. Each 50c, postpaid, or 10 for $4.00 by express.

FORGET-ME-NOT Every one loves the charming little Forget-me-not, and it seems strange that it is nor more often seen in our gardens. They are easily grown and will bloom the first year by starting the seed early in the house and transplanting to the open ground the first of May. Where they will continue to thrive and bloom year after year, with only slight covering. Plants grow to 12 inches hgh and will thrive in most soils, though they prefer moist, sandy situations. Seed of mixed colors per pkt. 5c. Plants (see page 92) 10 cts, each 6 for 50 cents.

THE HARDY CHINESE MATRIMONY VINE. It sends out numerous side branches, so that it covers a great amount of space in a short time, and every new growth is at once covered with bright, purple flowers, which are succeeded by brilliant scarlet berries nearly an inch long, every branch being loaded with them; the contrast between the glossy dark green foilage and shining scarlet flowering and new berries are forming from late spring unitl frost. Nice plants each 15c.

SANSEVERIA. ZELANICA-A singular plant, eminently adapted for decorative purposes in parlors, etc. Dark green, beautifully striped crosswise with white. Flowers-white. Each 25c.

[different paper-inserted]

40 for $1.00

Complete Garden




sized, packet each of Ageratum, Mexiacnum, Aster, all kinds mixed, Alyssum, Snapdragon, mixed colors, Balasm, choice mixed, Callopsis, Golden Wave, Candytuft, best mixed, Chrysanthemum, mixed varieties, Morning Glory, Improved, Dianthus, all kinds mixed. Geranium, Heliotrope, Larkspur, Ice Plant, Migononette, Machet, Nasturtium, Imperial, Petunia, Fine Mixed, Portulacca, Grandiflora, Pansy, Iowa Beauty, Poppy all kinds mixex, Phlox, Grandiflora mixed, Ricinus, Sensitive Plant, Salpglossis, Variveined, Sweet Peas, Perfected Mixed, Sweet William, Scabiosa, Stocks, Dwarf Germain Mixed, Verbena, Choice Mixed, Zinnia, Fine Double Mixed, Canary Bird Flower, Grass Pink, Canua, Crozy Mixed, Godetia, Cockscomb, Marvel of Pern, Calendula, Hollyhock, Eschscholtzia, Cypress Vine, and Gailardia. Total 40 packest of $1.00. Consists of one packet each of Balasm, Candytuft, Pinks, Mignonette, Pansy and Sweet Peas.

[hand-pointing finger] YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE! We want to make these collections popular with our customers, and can assure you, all the varieties names in them are desirable, and the seeds are just as fresh, pure and good as any ever offered. The varieties in the different collections do not duplicate with each other. AN EXTRA-In addition to the sorts named we will send free with each collection one packet of some desirable new variety which is not listed in our catalogue this year.

A LARGE GARDEN. Anyone ordering all of the above seven collections may have them for $3.00, and they will receive 44 packets of Vegetable Seeds and 93 packets of Flower Seeds, or a total of 137 packets of seed all different.


Henderson's Snowball Cauliflower Cabbage, Oxheart Carrot, Eary Sunrise, Perfect White Spine Cucumber Sprouts, Page's Striped Rice Pop co roved Green Nutmeg Musk Melon, D noth Prizetaker Onion, Nott's Excels Radish, Improved Table Guernsey Spinach, Mammoth Sandwich Island ato, Matchless Tomato, White Egg nd Vine Peach sent postpaid for $1.00; at regular catalogue p ready for mailing before our busy season begins Can One Dollar be Be

To encourage the children and induce them to be we offer this collection consisting of one packet e ren full sized packets postpaid for ONLY FIFTEEN


20 FOR 50c. POPULAR COLECTION. each of sweet Alyssum, Aster, Balsam, Candytuft, Dianthus, Convolvulus, Cypress Vine, Canna, Cockscomb, Larkspur, Ice Plant, Mignonette, Nasturtium, Petunia, Pansy, Poppy, Phlox, Sweet Peas, Sunflower and Zinnis. Total 20 Packets for 50 cents.

10 FOR 50c. GEM COLLECTION. Consists of one packet each of the following novelties; Aster, Royal Mixed; Centaurea, Marguerite; Datura, Cornucopia; California Yellow Bells; Cockscomb, Golden Glow; Dianthus, Fireball; Pansy, International; Larkspur, American Banner; Nasturtium, Gay and Festive, and Cupid Sweet Peas.

12 FOR 25c. BARGAIN COLLECTION. Consists of one packet each of Petunia, Cypress Vine, Eschscholtzia, Balsam, Phlox, Aster, Pink, Pansy, Mignonette, Sweet Pea, Zinnia and Verbena.

SCARLET EGG PLANT. Closely resembling the edible purple Egg Plant in growth of plant and shape of fruit and well worthy of growing beacuse of the handsome and unique color, which is of a most intense brilliant scarlet; glossy and apparently varnished. Will make an attractive novelty in an flower garden. Seed per pkt. 5c.

STAPELIA. Thi sis a genus of curious plants with showy star-shaped flowers; color bugg yellow, with maroon markings. They attract much attention on account of the singular appearance of their flower and peculiar odor. From Cape of God Hope. Pot in rather poor soil and water sparingly. Each 15c.

20 Beautiful Everblooming PLANTS PREPAID for $1.00

That every flower lover in America may afford a collection of greenhouse plants we have grown these 20 kinds in large quantities so that we might afford to send this large number for the very low price. They are all choice plants suitable either for house culture or outdoor vases or bedding. They rae not little slips, but good plants which we are sure will please you. Please remember that hey are all to be our selection of varieties; we cannot allow you to select at this price. Many of these plants are choice high priced sorts, of which we have a surplus at time order is filled. 20 for $1.00.

Last edit 11 months ago by mschrist



Novelty of 1896. Great $1,000 Corn. Iowa Silver Mine Corn.

[first column] Best Corn Ever Introduced. The acme of perfection. Unsurpassed and unsurpassable. Is our opinion valuable? Why should it have a weight with you? Please consider--we claim to have filled more orders for field corn in 1895 than any three other seed firms in America. The reason that our seed corn trade is increasing so rapidly is that we have never sent out a bushel of corn which would not, under ordinary conditions, prove satisfactory and please the purchaser. If we were sold out of our best stock, we frankly said so and returned the money. Our customers have confidence in us, and when we tell them that in our opinion the NEW IOWA SILVER MINE CORN is the best and most profitable variety in the world for any farmer to grow, they will all want to test it. Don't fail to plant a few acres of it this year. It will pay you.

$500.00 YOUR CHOICE OF 23 [Bottom half of page and two-thirds of center column have been removed. Text from page 20 shows through.] Any one purchasing one-half peck or more [missing text] from us, can compete. $100.00 IN CASH--For largest crop of c [missing text] any variety. (Iowa Silver Mine can compete [missing text]. $50.00 Additional Prize in seed, your sele [missing text] grass seed) provided above crop exceeds 200 b [missing text]. $100.00 IN CASH--For largest yield fro [missing text] Mine Corn. $100.00 Additional prize in seeds, plants, [missing text] ments, your selection from our catalogue, p [missing text] Silver Mine is over 200 bushels per acre.

OTHER PRIZES If you don't win first prize you may receive [missing text] other special prizes offered below. They ar [missing text] of our twenty-three varieties of corn may con [missing text]. 2nd PRIZE.--Deere Steel Frame Check Rowe [missing text] Offered by Deere & Mansur [missing text]. They are in color a pure white with violet tinge on the back; it is equally a good bloomer in summer and winter, and is wonderfully effective when planted to cover a low wall or trelis, showing hundreds of magnificent panicles of bloom. The bloom remains perfect for a long time before fading. Each 15c.

CHALLENGE CHRYSANTHEMUM Large variety; a perfect globe of the brightest gold, depth and width being equal; a very strong stem and good foilage. This is a magnificent new sort which cannot fail to please the most fastidious, and will delight all flower lovers, as it is the greatest advance in yellow greatest advance in yellow chrysathemums that there has been for years. Plants are fairly loaded with flowers. We have grown to good stock and offer them at the low price of 10c each.


[center column] [image] IOWA SILVER [missing text]

high and continues to flower the year round, often one hundred open blossoms at one time one a single plant in a small pot. Flowers of good size. Tube and sepals bright red, corolla deep purple. Every lover of Fuchsias should have this little gem. Each 15c.

SWAINSONIA. We bring prominently before flower flowers this distinct climbing plant for house culture and [missing text] belongs to the Leguminosae, and [missing text] yth is extremely graceul, and the [missing text] a trellia, present a lovely sight of [missing text] profusion of pure white sprays of Sweet Peas in form. it is almost a perpetual [missing text] for home or conserva[missing text] n this fine, new plant. [missing text] cents.

[third column] Why Plant White Corn? Is the question you will ask at once. It yields more. The American Corn and Hog Journal gives a summary of the reports of 1,267 comparative tests of corn in the various State Experiment Stations with 489 varieties of corn, showing that the average yield of the 216 white varieties has been 2 1/2 bushels per acre in excess of the yield of the 273 yellow varieties, and of the 31 varieties giving the best yield 24 were white and 7 were yellow. In feeding qualities a chemical analysis shows no difference between the white and yellow. The coloring matter in yellow corn will not fatten hogs. There is no doubt that white corn is more hardy and a better drouth resister. Millers will pay a higher price for white corn than for yellow. PRICE.--Postpaid--Pkt. 10c, lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c, 7 lbs. $1.00. By Freight--1/2 pk. 65c, pk. $1.00, 1/2 bu. $1.75, bu. $3.00, 2 bu. $5.00.

[missing text] est Acre of Corn. [missing text] tition Open to All. [missing text] PRIZE AMOUNTS TO. [missing text] ou. If you secure a yield of over 200 bushels [missing text] in the prize. [missing text] ... $200.00 [missing text] ... 150.00 [missing text] ... 45.00 [missing text] ze winner will sell readily for $2.00 per bushel [missing text] 300.00--or we will buy the crop of the prize [missing text] ice. [missing text] e prize will earn the reputation of being the [missing text] America, or in the world, and that should be [missing text] the best 40-acre farm in Iowa. [missing text] is contest. For $1.00 you receive sufficient [missing text] acre, charges prepaid to your town. Under [missing text] will yield 100 bushels of corn which you can [missing text] ors for seed at not less than $1.50 per bushel.

[missing text] NS $150.00 FROM $1.00. [missing text] than any banker ever thought of making, [missing text].

YELLOW QUEEN CHRYSANTHEMUM The finest very early variety ever introduced, having been vut the past two seasons in find condition on the 10th of October. Very large, clear, bright yellow with extra stout stem and foliage; the plants averaging two and half feet high. It also develops its flowers to perfection in open air without protection. Awarded certification of merit at New York shows, 1892, the blooms at that time have been kept in the cellar for two weeks. Best as crown buds. Each 20c.

EIDERDOWN CHRYSANTHEMUM Large, perfectly double, incurved, snow white, late Japanese variety, covered with gladular hairs as in Mrs. Hardy style of Kyoto, habit perfect, stems stiff and erect. Winning notoriety wherever shown. Each 20c.


Last edit 11 months ago by mschrist


ECONOMY In The Garden. BARGAINS In Garden Seeds.

$1.00 COLLECTION OF The Best Garden Vegetables.

THIRTY-FIVE VARIETIES! ALL GOOD DESIRABLE SORTS. SURE TO PLEASE YOU. Consists of ONE FULL SIZED PACKET EACH OF Improved Golden Wax Beans, Old Homestead Pole Beans, Market Gardeners' Beet, Henderson's Snowball Cauliflower, Washington Wakefield Cabbage, Short Stem Drumhead Cabbage, Oxheart Carrot, Early Sunrise Corn, Golden Self-Blanching Celery, Country Gentleman Corn, Perfect White Spine Cucumber, Improved Ground Cherry, American Mammoth Brussels Sprouts, Page's Striped Rice Pop Corn, Iceberg Lettuce, Improved Hanson Lettuce, I. S. Co.'s Improved Green Nutmeg Musk Melon, Duke Jones Watermelon, Large Red Wethersfield Onion, Mammoth Prizetaker Onion, Nott's Excelsior Peas, Non Plus Ultra Radish, Perpetual White Summer Radish, Improved Table Guernsey Parsnip, Ruby King Pepper, Sibley Squash, Long Standing Spinach, Mammoth Sandwich Island Salsify, Market Gardener's Parsley, Early Minnesota Tomato, Matchless Tomato, White Egg Turnip, Purple Top Strap Leaf Turnip, Monarch Ruta Baga, and Vine Peach. Total 35 full sized packets sent postpaid for $1.00; at regular catalogue price they amount to $2.05. NOTICE.--These collections are all put up ready for mailing before our busy season begins and therefore cannot be changed or divided.

It is a Bargain! Can One Dollar be Better Invested?

CHILDREN'S COLLECTION. To encourage the children and induce them to begin having a garden "all their very own," we offer this collection, consisting of one packet each of Beet, Cucumber, Lettuce, Radish, Onion, Pop Corn, and Sunflower. In all seven full sized packets postpaid for ONLY FIFTEEN CENTS.


40 for $1.00 Complete Garden COLLECTION.

Consists of one full sized packet each of Ageratum, Mexicanum, Aster, all kinds mixed, Alyssum, Snapdragon, mixed colors, Balsam, choice mixed, Calliopsis, Golden Wave, Candytuft, best mixed, Chrysanthemum, mixed varieties, Morning Glory, Improved, Dianthus, all kinds mixed, Geranium, Heliotrope, Larkspur, Ice Plant, Mignonette, Machet, Nasturtium, Imperial, Petunia, Fine Mixed, Portulacca, Grandiflora, Pansy, Iowa Beauty, Poppy all kinds mixed, Phlox, Grandiflora mixed, Ricinus, Sensitive Plant, Salpiglossis, Variveined, Sweet Peas, Perfected Mixed, Sweet William, Scabiosa, Stocks, Dwarf German Mixed, Verbena, Choice Mixed, Zinnia, Fine Double Mixed, Canary Bird Flower, Grass Pink, Canna, Crozy Mixed, Godetia, Cockscomb, Marvel of Peru, Calendula, Hollyhock, Eschscholtzia, Cypress Vine, and Gailardia. Total 40 packets for $1.00.


Consists of one packet each of Balsam, Candytuft, Pinks, Mignonette, Pansy and Sweet Peas.


Consists of one packet each of Sweet Alyssum, Aster, Balsam, Candytuft, Dianthus, Convolvulus, Cypress Vine, Canna, Cockscomb, Larkspur, Ice Plant, Mignonette, Nasturtium, Petunia, Pansy, Poppy, Phlox, Sweet Peas, Sunflower and Zinnia. Total 20 packets for 50 cents.


Consists of one packet each of the following novelties: Aster, Royal Mixed; Centaurea, Marguerite; Datura, Cornucopia; California Yellow Bells; Cockscomb, Golden Glow; Dianthus, Fireball; Pansy, International; Larkspur, American Banner; Nasturtium, Gay and Festive, and Cupid Sweet Peas.


Consists of one packet each of Petunia, Cypress Vine, Eschscholtzia, Balsam, Phlox, Aster, Pink, Pansy, Mignonette, Sweet Pea, Zinnia and Verbena.

YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE! We want to make these collections popular with our customers, and can assure you, all the varieties named in them are desirable, and the seeds are just as fresh, pure and good as any ever offered. The varieties in the different collections do not duplicate with each other. AN EXTRA.--In addition to the sorts named we will send free with each collection one packet of some desirable new variety which is not listed in our catalogue this year.

A LARGE GARDEN. Anyone ordering all of the above seven collections may have them for $3.00, and they will receive 44 packets of Vegetable Seeds and 93 packets of Flower Seeds, or a total of 137 packts [packets] of seed all different.

Last edit 11 months ago by mschrist




BEANS.--Dwarf Bush Varieties. One quart will plant one hundred feet of drill. Dwarf or Bush beans require no support, and should be planted in drills an inch and a half deep and drop the beans three inches apart in the drills. Beans are tender annuals, and cannot be planted till danger of frost is past. Keep clean, but do not hill up or hoe when wet. A sandy loam is the best. The half-pint packages will be found very desirable for small families. We furnish pints at one-half the quart price. Crop was almost a failure on many varieties of beans this year. Price includes postage. See special prices by the peck and bushel on page 47. JACKSON WONDER LIMA.--A dwarf variety growing from 18 to 30 inches high, immensely productive and very early. Pods broad and flat containing three or four beautiful variegated flat beans, similar in shape to the well known Lima, and in the dry state as shell beans can be used the same as the Lima, but when the pods are young they make excellent snap beans. It is not waxy, hence cooks easily and quickly, in fact fills all the requirements for a good garden variety as well as a field sort. Per pkt. 10c, 1/2 pt. 20c, qt. 60. BURPEE'S BUSH LIMA.--A dwarf or bush form of the true large Lima which is of great value. There is no reason now why western farmers should not raise all the Lima beans they require for their own use as well as for sale. They are of perfect bush form, growing 18 to 20 inches high, of stout and erect growth, yet branching and vigorous. An immense yielder, each bush bearing 50 to 200 handsome large pods, well filled with very large beans of luscious flavor. Does not always mature dry shelled beans in this latitude, but you are sure of a good crop of green ones. Try it. Per pkt. 10c, 1/2 pt. 20c, qt. 65c.

BLUE-PODDED BUTTER.--This is one of the most remarkable and strikingly odd novelties in beans ever introduced. The compact, bushy plants grow only twelve inches high and bear abundantly. The leaves and stems are of a bright purple color, which becomes more intense as the season advances and form, when covered with the pinkish-purple flowers and rich deep-blue pods, a most showy, blackish-purple bush. The entire pods cook a rich green, are very tender, stringless, and of a rich delicious flavor. Supply of seed very short. Per pkt. 10c. SCARLET RUNNER.--This is a pole or climbing variety, but we want to call special attention to it here as its sale should be widely extended. It has highly ornamental foliage, and beautiful blossoms and pods, which are fit for wear as corsage bouquets when small. It is a prime favorite with all who are acquainted with its merits, but it is, comparatively speaking, so little known that we give it prominence, knowing as we do that everyone who tries it will be delighted. It is not only exceedingly ornamental, but of the highest usefulness, as the beans, which are very large are of the very best flavor and quality, and no bean excels the Scarlet Runner for use as a shelled or dried bean. It is richer than the Lima. The vine is so graceful and of such rapid growth as to render it one of the best for arbors, etc. The flowers are in color a brilliant scarlet, and are borne very profusely until frost comes. Per pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 20c, qt. 70c.

Burpee's Bush Lima bean was a grand success with me this year. They are early and have a well filled pod. JOHN P. NELSON, Onawa, Iowa.


DREER'S BUSH LIMA.--A dwarf growing form of the old Dreer's Lima or Potato Lima, which was quite popular a few years ago. It is also called Kumerle's Bush Lima. Compared with the Henderson's, this bean in its green state is fully double as large and yields abundantly. One plant sent in had 185 pods on. Does better on dry, sandy soil, owing to its heavy foliage. Is of the best flavor. Per pkt. 10c, 1/2 pt. 20c, qt. 65c. HENDERSON'S BUSH LIMA.--Another year adds to our high opinion of this really remarkable variety. It grows in compact bush form and produces enormous crops of delicious Lima beans which can be as easily gathered as the common garden bush bean; is at least two weeks earlier than any of the climbing Limas, produces a continuous crop from the time it comes into bearing (fit for table in this latitude by about July 15) until frost. Enormously productive; a very small patch will supply a family with this splendid vegetable throughout the season. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 50c.




Last edit 11 months ago by mschrist
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 94 in total