


Status: Complete



ALYSSUM.--Sweet.--Pretty little white flowers, useful for bouquets and borders. Pkt. 3c.
Little Gem.--Very dwarf and compact making a mass of white flowers. Pkt. 5c.
ASPERULA.--Azurea Setosa.--Light blue fragrant flowers. Pkt. 5c.
AMOBIUM.--Alatum Grandiflorum.--A pretty everlasting, double white flower. Pkt. 4c.
AMPELOPSIS.--Veitchii.--(Boston Ivy.) Pkt. 5c.
ACROCLINIUM.--Mixed Colors.--An everlasting bearing large double flowers. Pkt. 3c.
ABUTILON.--Mixed Colors.--Beautiful bell-shaped flowers of various colors. Pkt. 10c.
ADLUMIA.--Cirrhosa.--A hardy perennial vine with fern-like foliage and pretty, flesh-colored blossoms. Pkt. 10c.
AQUILEGIA--Chrysantha.--(Columbine)--A hardy perennial; large, beautiful, canary yellow flowers. Pkt. 5c.
Coerulea.--Violet blue and white. Pkt. 7c.
Double Mixed.--Pkt. 5c.
AGROSTEMMA.--Coeli Rosa.--Deep rose color. Fine for bouquets. Pkt. 3c.
Alba.--White; fine for cemetery. Pkt. 5c.
AMARANTHUS.--A handsome foliaged plant of many colors.
Tricolor.--Leaves yellow, red and green; well known as "Joseph's Coat." Pkt. 3c.
Salicifolius.--Known as "Fountain Plant." Pkt. 7c.
Caudatus.--(Love Lies Bleeding.) Producing long, drooping chains of brilliantly colored flowers. Pkt. 5c.
Mixed Varieties.--Pkt. 5c.


CANDYTUFT.--Considered indispensable for cutting and looks best in beds or masses; hardy, easy to cultivate, and blooms profusely; one foot in height.
Giant Empress.--One of the finest varieties in cultivation, of very branching habit, and when fully grown and covered with its pure white flowers resembles a floral candelabra. Pkt. 7c.
Snow Queen.--An extra fine dwarf pure white variety, grows rapidly, remaining in full flower for about three months. Pkt. 5c.
Best Mixed--A mixture of all varieties and colors. Pkt. 8c, oz. 40c.
Semper Virens.--Profuse white blooming perennial adapted for rockeries, baskets, etc. Flowers early. Pkt. 10c.
CANARY BIRD FLOWER.--One of the most beautiful climbers with delicate finely cut foliage and curious bright yellow flowers resembling the canary bird in shape and color. Pkt. 5c.
CACALIA.--Coccinea.--A handsome free flowering little plant; owing to the peculiar form of the flower it is sometimes called Tassel Flower or Flora's Paint Brush. Scarlet. Pkt. 5c.
CANNA.--Unquestionably one of the finest of bedding plants. Their handsome leaves combined with their varied and richly colored flowers have an extremely fine effect. Seeds should be soaked in hot water for several hours.
Fancy Large Flowered.--This is a very large flowering strain of dwarf, compact growth. They flower freely and the first year from seed. Our seed is a mixture of the finest. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c.
CARNATION.--The finest of the dianthus or pink family; very fragrant. Our seed is unsurpassed.
Double Extra Mixed--Best greenhouse varieties. Pkt. 10c.
Marguerite.--These lovely, fragrant flowers are in full bloom in about four months after sowing the seed. The plants succeed alike in the open garden or in pots. The flowers are of high type, exquisitely sweet, fully 80 per cent perfectly double. The range of color, marking, variegations and shadings are wonderful. Pkt. 5c.

CLARKIA.--Mixed Colors.--Blooms freely during the summer. Pkt. 3c.
CONVOLVULUS.--Minor. (Dwarf Morning Glory.) Showy flowers for bedding. Free bloom. Pkt. 5c.


COSMOS.--Early Dawn Mixed. Introduced by us several years ago, and it jumped at once into popularity on account of its extreme earliness. The plants have fine, feathery, light green foliage and delicate rose, purple, white and lilac flowers. Free bloomer of easiest culture. Mixed colors. Pkt. 5c.
Mammoth Perfection.--Flowers double the size of the old large flowering cosmos, measuring 12 to 1[?] inches in circumference; flowers white, pink or crimson. Seed should be sown early in the house, as they are quite late. Pkt. 7c.
BEGONIA.--Seeds very small, almost microscopic and should be sown on top of the soil. Cover box with glass; give partial shade until up.
Vernon.--Fine for outdoor bedding. Pkt. 10c.
Rex.--The king of begonias. Pkt. 25c.
Tuberous Rooted--Summer bedding. Pkt. 15c.
Mixed Varieties.--Pkt. 15c.
CINERARIA.--Large Flowering Mixed.--Very showy plants for pot culture. Pkt. 15c.
COLEUS.--Rainbow Mixed.--The most popular of foliage plants; the finest sort. Pkt. 15c.
Fine Mixed.--Many varieties. Pkt. 10c.
CYPRESS VINE.--A beautiful rapid climber with delicate, dark green foliage, and an abundance of star-shaped scarlet and white blossoms.
Scarlet.--Very bright. Pkt. 5c.
White.--Pretty in contrast with scarlet. Pkt. 5c.
Mixed Colors.--The above mixed. Pkt. 3c, oz. 30c.
New Ivy-Leaved.--Entirely distinct from all other varieties, both in flowers and foliage. The ivy-like leaves make a dense screen from which the pretty fiery, orange-scarlet flowers stand out in countless numbers. Pkt. 7c.
CELOSIA.--Giant Empress.--Very handsome for pot plants or specimen plants in beds, where they excite the curiosity of visitors more than any plant that can be grown. Measures over 12 inches in breadth; very bright purple combs and dark bronze foliage. Pkt. 10c.
Ostrich Feather.--Crimson. Pkt. 10c.
All Varieties Mixed.--Pkt. 5c.


CALLIOPSIS OR COREOPSIS.--Golden Wave--Plant very bushy and compact, reaching two feet in height, and covered from July to October with hundreds of beautiful golden blossoms, two inches in diameter with small dark centers. It is indeed a wave of gold. Pkt. 8c.
New Double.--A charming novelty, blooms freely and will please everyone. Pkt. 10c.
Lanceolata.--New Golden Coreopsis.--One of the most showy hardy perennials grown, forming tall plants two or three feet high, and bearing in great profusion large flowers of golden yellow. Pkt. 10c.
Mixed Colors.--Produces flowers in nearly every shade of yellow, orange, crimson, red, brown. Pkt. 5c.
CHRYSANTHEMUMS.--The Annual Chrysanthemums listed below are altogether different from the large-flowered perennial varieties grown by florists.
Chameleon.--New and distinct annual variety producing large, single flowers, beautifully circled with purple, black, crimson, yellow and copper. Pkt. 8c.
Double Annual.--A valuable and most unique novelty. A great variety of colors, markings and pencilings. Very double, semi-double or single, but these are almost equally charming. Pkt. 5c.
Perennial Mixed.--The popular greenhouse variety. Very showy and desirable for fall and early winter blooming, Sow seeds early. Pkt. 10c.



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