


Status: Complete


Defiance Winter Wheat


Hardiness }
Stooling Qualities }
Productiveness }
Rustproof Qualities }
Strength of Straw }
Quality of Grain }
Quality of Flour. }


The Best in all Respects of
Any Wheat
Now Offered for Seed.

WE KNOW that this is considerable to say, but we feel sure that any farmer who tries this grand sort will
have it proved to his satisfaction. Our Defiance Winter Wheat has been selected from the choicest
stock of Turkish Red Wheat, which has yielded immense crops under ordinary conditions. By careful selection
we have secured this excellent variety which we believe to be far superior to any other on the market.

The Turkish Red Winter Wheat originated from a few
seeds of wheat which were brought to this country from
Turkey in a shipment of rye. It appears very much like rye
when growing, and is just as hardy as any variety of rye.
After having been grown for several years mixed with the
rye, one enterprising farmer who thought that he had discovered
a good thing, pulled the heads out at time of harvesting
and the following year secured a surprisingly good crop of
wheat. It has been selected and improved from year to year
until it is beyond comparison in value for farmers in this section
of the country, and it has established the fact that it most
decidedly does pay to grow winter wheat in Iowa.

During the past few years many new varieties of winter
wheat from the east, north, south and west have been tested
in Iowa, but in spite eloquent descriptions, high testimonials
and great records in other sections, they either winter
kill, blight or rust so as to be worthless. Notwithstanding all
the failures of other sorts, it has proved to be invincible, and
every year with only one exception (season of 1898-99, when
all kinds of fruit and even oak trees were killed) it has produced
a good paying crop. It is strictly iron clad and almost
entirely free from rust, blight and scab and lives through the
winter in the most exposed places. It is not only unsurpassed,
but unequaled in hardiness, producing an excellent crop in
Minnesota. The straw is stiff enough to hold up the heavy
heads well. It has a record of


under favorable circumstances; other crops range from thirty
to forty bushels under very ordinary conditions. It stools out
the best of any variety that we know of; heads are of good
size and a great many of them to each root, the manner of
stooling being well shown by the accompanying illustration.
The grains are plump, handsome and quite hard; the hull is
reasonably thin and it makes a most excellent grade of flour.
Some millers claim that it is fully equal to the world-famed
Hungarian flours made from the choicest wheat grown In
Hungary and Bohemia.

Do not get the Turkish Red confused in your mind with the
Red Russian, which is grown quite largely in Indiana, Ohio
and other parts of the East and is also sold under the name of
Harvest King. It is much more tender than the Turkish Red
and cannot be depended on to stand our winters in central
Iowa, as it is quite apt to rust here. Do not fail to grow the
Defiance strain of Turkish Red Wheat which is so far superior
to all others.

[Image: Grown From One Seed.]

PRICE. -- Defiance Winter Wheat. -- By mail from
postpaid 25 cts. per lb., 3 lbs. 60 cts. By freight, includng
bags to ship n (purchaser to pay freight charges)
per peck 50 cts., bushell .75. Bag of 2 1/2 bushels $4.00;
4 bags (10 bushels) $15.00. If a large quantity is wanted
ask for special quotations.

August 4. -- The Defiance Winter Wheat purchased
from you yielded 36 bushels per acre on my place this
year. -- S. T. Elder, Fremont county, Iowa.

July 30. -- The winter wheat purchased from you last
fall made a good growth and a heavy yield. I am well
pleased with it and think it much better than spring
wheat, as it gets ripe before hot weather. -- George
Quint, Monona county, Iowa.

July 25. -- I am pleased with the Defiance Winter
Wheat purchased from you last year. It is the best
wheat in the neighborhood, and outyields other varieties
of wheat about 60 per cent. The spring wheat grown
here was so badly injured by chintz bugs this year that
it has about all been cut for hay. -- Hans Schade, Howard
county, Neb.

July 26. -- My crop of the Improved (Defiance) Turkish
Red Winter Wheat grown from your seed this year
was much better than my old stock, producing thicker,
taller grain and yielding 20 per cent more. It is far superior
to all other varieties of winter wheat ever grown
here on account of its great productiveness, good growth
and power to withstand Nebraska's severe weather. --
John Bride, Saunders county, Neb.

Read the State Report.

The Iowa State Experiment Station says that the
Turkish Red Winter Wheat turned out exceptionally
well, going through the winter without the slightest
injury and yielding Fifty-five and three-tenths
bushels per acre. The milling quality is of the highest
order. It outyielded all the other eighteen varieties
of winter wheat tested with it, the average
yhield of the eight bald varieties in same test being only
seventeen and one-third bushels per acre.

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