Letter from Lafcadio Hearn to Horace Elisha Scudder

This is a scanned version of the original document in the Abernethy Manuscripts Collection at Middlebury College.




I am thinking of a paper on the Popular Ballads of Japan, as sung by the outcast classes - the Eta, or pariahs. I have had the principal ones taken down, and translated. But I am not yet sure of their literary value. Their folklore value is great. Kumamoto, Nov. 26th 93 Dear Mr. Scudder, - Thanks for kind letter of Oct. 25th. As to proofs, I trust all have been received. I have kept none in my hands more than 24 hours, and when received early in the morning have reposted them at night. All have been sent by registered letter, - as directed, to H. O. Houghton & Co. I have just mailed 120-133. One batch of duplicates has not yet come to hand, - 96-120. I guess it is all right, but I like to have the duplicates, - because, in case I have been too hasty, or have made an error in my corrections, I can remedy the fault by forwarding the corresponding duplicate, with

Last edit almost 3 years ago by shashathree


explanations. Since hearing last I have sent you three papers, - "The Stone Buddha," "Juijitsu", and a story called "The Red Bridal." I am not sure if you will like the story. Perhaps the "Jujutsu" paper will please you best. But I cannot myself tell - sometimes until a year later - what of my work is best. Indeed I work very blindly. To work otherwise is not to work at all; - for one day what I write seems very bad, and the next day good, and so on, - my estimate of it varying with my own exaltations and depressions. I have no doubt you are quite right about "The Dream." I wrote it on impulse, after a trip to Nagasaki last summer, - even the emotions are those of the actual moment, - afterwards modified. I shall try to do something else as soon as I can. Very Sincerely Yours Lafcadio Hearn

Last edit almost 3 years ago by shashathree
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