Letter from Cousin J., dated 1863-12-30



Needs Review


[in top margin:] object. - This may serve to show thee that I have not forgotten this and I should like to come there but [s?] prospect yet - With our love to thee & thine I am thy affectionate cousin J

[body of letter:] East Greenwich 12 Mo 30, 63

My Dear Cousin

I have very often thot of writing to thee since I recd thine of 7th month, 61 - but having many letters to write on various subjects I am to apt to put of those that do not require an immediate reply and I am apt also to occupy to large a portion in relating my own trials, which no doubt are often per[mitted?] for my own benefit, and therefore it does not seem quite right to tax the sympathy of my [friends?]. The severest one within the past 2 years which thou will be able to realize from experience was an account of [Benj's?] going into the army. But we have thankfully to acknowledg the mercy of our heavenly Father that his life has been spared thus far - He was at home last week on a furlow of 10 days - has been well most of the time and has gained 20 lbs thinks they shall have comfortable [?] quarters and not much to do. Eliza & Chs. are with [Nathan?] & Emily at Saint Louis which makes it pleasant for them all. Frances is nearly as tall as I am he goes to the District Shool here this winter. It is nearly a year since I had a letter from Ruth she was then keeping house and seemd to be in better spirits than usual. Sister R. had a letter from her a few weeks sine but I have not seen it - Joseph has been poorly this winter which makes it very trying for them as he has

Last edit over 3 years ago by catslover
Needs Review


a salary that is hardly sufficent I should think to support his family. I have always thot they were not pursueing the right course with their children but perhaps they know better than I do. I had all my teeth out about 4 weeks a go and my health has been almost perfit ever since. They had troubled me exceedingly for many years. I now have an excellent appetite and can eat very well without them yet I shall have a new sett if the children will help me pay for them; I shall be 70 in the 4th mo next yet I feel better able to work now than I have for several years, but have not much to do and on that acct I want to get away but am much attached to this meeting tho. small - I am now generally the only male membe on week days. There are several [fully?] constent attendees on [?] days, that are not members, and they want the meeting kept up - [Gulielma?] is somewhat anxious to leave but I canot seem to do any more than to say I shall probably follow if she goes . The Wilbernites have divided and subdivided until there is only one of a tribe in some places - while some desire to get back again, but I think they would like to do it without request or acknowledgment. We have one here poor solitary man that cannot unite with any party - I have been most a week writing so much - & do not feel as if I could write enough on another page to make it an

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