



Status: Complete

Ponder this well.
Camp Near Harrison's Landing Va
July 14th 1862

My Dear Friend-

You doubtless are suprised in not
hearing from me in so long a time, but it is not
because I have not written. I have written you twice
since I received your second letter. In the first of the
two was enclosed a letter from your Mother which
was sent by you. That letter came back to the
Regt. again. I wrote one also to send in a letter
which Hiram was writing to you. Whether he ever
sent it or not I do not know. I presume he did not
as it was just before our grand skedaddle. How I
can get a letter up there and make it stick I don't
know, but I will try at any rate.

I cannot give you all the details of our change of
position. When I see you I will tell you all I know
about it. The train was all got off safely but one
Wagon. Ed. Snow ran against a tree and had to
leave his wagon and load. I was in one place where
the balls came in pretty near but none of them happen-
ed to [mean?] me. Several came near Capt. Wetherell
They make rather unpleasant music.

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