Letter from the Robinson Family papers, dated 1871-01-02



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East Montpelier Vt. Jan 2. 1871.

My precious husband.

O, how glad I am to get thy dear little letter and to learn that thee got to Brooklyn in safety. Do our best we cant help but be anxious when we are apart. Did thee suffer much with the cold, dear? How I wished that mighty two dollars was wrapped round thy feet in the shape of warm overshoes. It is pretty good to see thy handwritiing. I am so glad to get it. I've had to shade my eyes from the vulgar gaze a minute or two, but it is pretty good to hear of thy safety and so soon. I hardly dared to hope thee would get a letter off so that it would reach me to-night - and yet I was sorely disappointed when "Pat" said there was nothing for me in the Office, but Howard had been before me, and I recognized the writing a long way off as the letter lay on the table, when I came in, yet it looked a little

[sideways at top of page:]

Right here [kiss sign] Sweetheart remember?

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odd to see the Robinson in thy handwriting. It is the first thy ever wrote to Mrs. R. i'snt it? Did thee take any more cold? Be sure and tell me if thy cough is better - My precious love, does thee know how thee is in very truth the "Light of my life." Perhaps it isn't right or wise to be so entirely bound up in another but I can't help it any more than I can stop my heart's beating. I love thee. - yes, indeed, dear, "never quite so much as now." There is a furious wind to-night and Mary had some work of Mrs. Nichols to see about and so I went down with her - and if we had not been so ponderous we should have sailed away, I verily believe. This afternoon Horace took us up to see the new house. I like it very much indeed. It is large on the ground and high in the air and will be very comfortable and convenient. Horace works there a little. Howard goes to school. Tempic's [Edson?] youth teaches here, a miserable school. Tempic was married last [Wednesday?]. It is too bad. There was a little snow at F. on Friday night, but not enough to use. I took Anne's dozen

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napkins up here that I promised to mark, and I began them to-day, guess I've got a lengthier job than I thought, for [M?] is such a big letter, [insert]What a mess I've made of it, That is a em[/insert] but I like to make it. I wonder how thee has spent to-day, pretty comfortably I hope. Don't feel sorry about the paper folders - I dont - believe we can sell them. We'll folder our friends and I hope I have improved by painting them. The clock tells the hour for retiring and I must stop. My own dear love my precious husband {kiss sign]. God bless thee, dear, Thine. Tuesday evening. Dear, dear husband. I cannot get along without writing a word to thee every night. It is pretty good to have such a way to talk to thee and yet we should get on faster if we could see each other five minutes. Don't we wish we could, dear. I am not unhappy but I do miss thee everywhere, "Life of my soul" - thee is indeed. The day has passed pleasantly. I don't believe my husband has been out of my thoughts many miutes at a time. How can he be when he is so my - Everything. Dear love, I hope thee has had a decent day - a hard and trying one I know it has been if spent among

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the publishers. don't fee discouraged, dear. "Rome was not built in one day" - Comforting am I not - I have looked over "Chaplet of Pearls" again to-day a charming story - It comforted me a good deal, for thinking of the trials, dangers and distresses of that most charming couple of Ribaumonts, I thought how much we have to be thankful for - Indeed we have when we can hear from each other so often and quickly. When, too, I think of of happiness in each other and our peaceful, loving trust in each other, no matter where we are. I am as filled with thankfulness that I find little room for discontent. Goodnight, my precious. Guess I'll read a little to Howard in "Little Women." How I love thee. - but thee knows how I do - and that is a comfort to me. Good night, dear, "good night darling". Later, at 9. But I must say another little word to thee dear, for somehow I feel very much drawn towards thee. I hope the [L.T.?] is not telling me that thee is very sad and lonely and a little discouraged, but it seems very much as though it was. Dear love my precious, sweetheart, we have each other without a shadow of a doubt or fear and that is the very best thing that ever could be [inserted in right margin:]and so [business?] cannot destroy our happiness can it?[/inserted]. I hope thee has got my letter by this time, but I'm afraid it has not been much of a comfort to thee. I wrote it under disadvantages, but thee will always know that I love thee, precious. - I have been reading a while, and now all are a bed but Mary. I have written to father, to-day, - telling about my journey and also about a much praised Frenchman hereabouts who would be glad of a permanent situation and I think would do a sight better than [Rob?]. Farewell, dear, writing to thee has made me feel better, and I wish it may thee. I tell a great many things to the [S.T.?] to carry to thee, they are all old but I dont think thee is tired of them. "The wind is blowing turret and tree", and it is a [low?] kind of a night. Does thee suffer any with the cold nights? Mary sleeps with me. God bless thee darling and keep thee safe. Thy [Anna?]

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Wednesday night. - and how is my darling to night? It has been a lovely day, clear and cold - 13 [degrees] below. I was alone this forenoon as Horace and Mary went to the village - I strung together some things for Valentines but they sound rather silly I'm afraid, though I know they are about as good a many I have seen. If thee can think of the least idea for a series do let me know and I'll do my best. My rubber boots are mended very well in three places for 50 cts. The "[?]" is glorious with purple and gold, but how cold it looks. - There are six birds as large as robins on one of the trees. I can't make out what they are, I've just been out to look at them and eleven flew away and one staid. It is dove color, larger than I thought. It kept on picking up the tamarac buds that were on the snow, apparently as cheerful and contented as though it was summer. There are several hands at work on the new rail-road and it progresses quite fast. Did I tell thee it is entirely spoiling our beautiful river road. - many of the trees are cut down and the road is turned in some places. Too bad! George Davis wears his [?] like thy [?] one and I suppose he is authority, but I wouldn't hesitate about wearing the black if it is a bit more comfortable.

Evening - Harper's came to-night a pretty good beginning of the year. Wouldn't thee like to have me send them to thee? I'd like to, if thee cares for them. Nast has a New Year's calling picture which is more decent than most of his are, I think. I went to the office to night. It is very cold and the air biting - Guess I'm outdoors enough nowadays to "keep me [sweet?]". O, what a boy! Mary is at work on a horse blanket. She just said she was glad thee didn't love horses, as I might be spared such a trial. She laughs at me some for writing to thee so much, says I used to make all manner of fun of long letters, so I did but that was before I knew thee, the best letter-writer I ever saw.

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