Letter from Amy Post to Ann King, July 6, 1860



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Rochester July 6, 1860

Dear Friend Ann King

It was very pleasant to receive a few lines from thee my dear friend, we seldom meet, and seldom hear from each other, and although we know the thought telegraph is ever bright between us, a paper messenger, does bring us more tangibly near.

I wish thee would write to Cousin Phebe Haviland, I really think she is a wonderously fine woman, very few equal to her. her sweet liberal or charitable influence is perceptable not only in her own beautifully regulated family, but however she goes. She has not got her wise eyes open in all things, but is gradually leaving some of the several superstitions of the past. She told me last winter when there, that she had been a few times to hear Henry Ward Beacher preach, which did a little supprize me. She also supprized me by speaking approvingly

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of him in an instance which I will relate. The said a couple of Orthodox Friends asked him after having attended his church some time, if they could become members, without being requi red to be baptised, and partaking of bread & wine. Oh yes, was his reply, I consider those ceremonies entirely nonessential, My Cousin did not seem to see any Infidelity - any want of faith in God and the Right, in that reply. And so he is up-held in his inconsistancy, solemnly and religously requiring this symbol, of some, and secretly excusing others, [Serm]ons, without practice - faith without works, how valuelys! but I can have patience with H.W. Beacher - he says so many excellent things, that they must sink into the minds of some and do good - Cousin Phebe's daughter Lydia, (the youngest) has gone on about to go to France to spend some months with her fathers brother, who is residing there, their oldest daughter Anna went several years ago and spent some time, she is a very sweet girl, much like her mother I think, they have two sons married, all comfortable and

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happy as far as I know, Cousin James speaks in meeting occasionally, good, but not very brill iant, Cousin Phebe is an Elder, but very far from a zealous one, she is much oftener found looking up the poor and suffering, and the strangers, than in regulating the ministry or society affairs.

If I knew that thee had not visited her in many years, I would tell thee how much better is her housekeeping, than when she first commencedtheir place is very beautiful on Brooklyn Hights. her [Si]ster Lydia still lives with them, her health much better of later years, and she seems to have a bright joyous spirit, I went to Friends up Town Meeting last winter once, heard John Wine & John D Wright speak, in the latter named I was quite interested, but all seemed strangers to me, only one familiar face in the large meeting.

friends Meeting here is very small, I went lately to shew Joseph Foulk the way, and found only eight women, and a few more men, not one young person or child there - Joseph spoke beautifully of progress and practical righteousness, I think the old man has brightened since I saw him six years ago, and yet I wondered if he knew where his doctrine would lead

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to, There Yearly meeting was held in Canada this year, very near Nicholas & Margaret Brown's it being a new thing a great number went over understand they had forty or more every day at Nicholas's, next year it is to be held at Farming ton again, Mary [Raley] from Philadelphia went, and als attended meeting here, thee may know her. At present we have no spiritual or free meeting held here, and in a public way we are doing nothing, but I trust many are quietly and wisely working , on some points many are much afloat, scarcely knowing what is right, and what wrong, and therefore unprepared for any public action, I feel quite satisfied with our position in that respect, at present, I think we need to learn to take heed to the light we find within us, more than anything else, we have been looking without us, and lead by faulse teachings, until the feet of many have wandered far from the path of goodness. I am glad you have had the company of Marius Robinson, a true man.

Please present my love to thy niece Je[nn]ie Ledyard also Elizabeth Wright when convenient - dear girl where is she. Very sincerely thine Amy Post

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