Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 243)




Status: Indexed


As two articles -- 8th & 28th, have already
been stricken out, and the 10th is to be, and the 28th
has been replaced by another, viz. "Work on Lots" --
and as I propose two or three other articles
as essential or useful (hereinafter written out)
and as some of the existing articles might
be improved in collocation, for convenience of

I recommend a reorganization and
renumbering of the By-laws, to be arranged
in the following order. --

No change occurs in the
order of the first fifteen articles, which by the abolish-
ment of the 8th & 10th, become reduced to thirteen in
number, and numbers 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15 become 8, 9,
10, 11, 12 & 13. --

As I illustrated some of the changes
needed at the beginning of these notes, I will indi-
cate what appears to me to be the best arrange-
ment, according to the subjects, by drawing out
a list of the titles of the different by-laws,
annexing both the new and old numbers. --

Also a list of the titles of matters con-
tained in the Appendixes --

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