Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 084)




Status: Indexed


[compass?] of a moderate number of years

Forest Trees

Fifthly the Comee also recommended that
the sum of two hundred dollars be
placed under the control of the comee
on lots to be by them expended in the
planting of forest trees of different kinds
in those parts of the grounds where they
are wanted & that they have authority
to import the forest trees from abroad

Signed in behalf of the Comee
Joseph Story chairman

Voted. To accept the above report - all
present voting in the affirmative.


Voted. That the President be a comee
to prepare additional regulations,
for the better protection of ^the Cemetery.

Voted. to adjourn to at the office of the

A true record
Attest B. R. Curtis Secy

Trustees .

Pursuant to the above adjournment
the Trustees met at the time & place
above designated.
Present Messrs Bigelow, C.P. Curtis, B. R. Curtis
Read & Story.


The President as a comee to prepare addi-
tional regulations for the better protection

Notes and Questions

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Note: the Trustees give permission to import trees from abroad for planting


Last line of last page/first line of this page:
"to insure a good growth of forest trees in the [co??ssass] of a moderate number of years"

What might be the missing word? Definitely the last 2-letters are identical to the 4th and 5th from the last and most likely "ssass". Could it have been an error? The word that fits is "course".
