Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 103)


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Elizabeth Casner at Feb 01, 2021 03:41 PM

Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 103)


whole expense of such a Chapel for the present purposes
of the Cemetery would not exceed 5000$


(4) the Erection of a Tower or Observatory - It is
believed by the Committee that this may be accom-
plished at a very moderate expense & yet be built
of the most permanent materials, & it will be at
once a great convenience & an Ornament to the grounds
A round Tower of Ashlar Granite may be built
fifty feet high & of a proper diameter suitable for
an easey ascent & decent [sic] at an expense not exceed-
ing - 7000$

Incidental Expenses.

The Committee are also of opinion that it is
wholly unnecessary to reserve out of the present funds
of the Corporation a sum exceeding 3000$ to meet
any incidental expenditures of the Cemetery before
new funds will accrue - ; & it is but a just compliance
with the known Intention of the Proprietors to apppro-
priate the residue to one or more or all the objects
already indicated -

The Committee beg leave to add that in making
the appropriation of the funds of the Corporation for
the purposes aforesaid, they have not lost sight of
their duty to reserve out of the funds which may
arise from the sales of the Lots a sum sufficient to
insure in perpetuity the due Improvement & Pres-
ervation & Ornament of the Cemetery & the payment
of the incidental expenses thereof - They are aware
that the number of Lots which will remain on
hand will be every year diminishing & therefore that
it will be necessary to make suitable provision to

Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 103)


whole expense of such a Chapel for the present purposes
of the Cemetery would not exceed 5000$


(4) the Erection of a Tower or Observatory - It is
believed by the Committee that this may be accom=
plished at a very moderate expense & yet be built
of the most permanent materials, & it will be at
once a great convenience & an Ornament to the grounds
A round Tower of Ashlar Granite may be built
fifty feet high & of a proper diameter suitable for
an easey ascent & decent [sic] at an expense not exceed=
ing - 7000$

Incidental Expenses.

The Committee are also of opinion that it is
wholly unnecessary to reserve out of the present funds
of the Corporation a sum exceeding 3000$ to meet
any incidental expenditures of the Cemetery before
new funds will accrue - ; & it is but a just compliance
with the known Intention of the Proprietors to apppro=
priate the residue to one or more or all the objects
already indicated -

The Committee beg leave to add that in making
the appropriation of the funds of the Corporation for
the purposes aforesaid, they have not lost sight of
their duty to reserve out of the funds which may
arise from the sales of the Lots a sum sufficient to
insure in perpetuity the due Improvement & Pres=
ervation & Ornament of the Cemetery & the payment
of the incidental expenses thereof - They are aware
that the number of Lots which will remain on
hand will be every year diminishing & therefore that
it will be necessary to make suitable provision to