Trustees Records, Volume 2, 1854 (page 015)


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Elizabeth Casner at Mar 19, 2021 05:47 PM

Trustees Records, Volume 2, 1854 (page 015)


Proprietors. 1855

Mount Auburn Cemetery.

The Annual meeting of the Proprietors of the Cemetery
of Mount Auburn, will be held at the office of the Sec.
retary, in the Codman Buildings, at 46 Washington
Street, on to hear the report of the Trustees, Treasurer and
Superintendent; to choose Trustees for the ensuing year, and
to act on any other business which may legally come
before the meeting.

By order of the Trustees.
Henry M. Parker
Boston. .


Pursuant to the foregoing notice which was pub-
lished more than seven days successively in the Boston
Daily Advertiser
, prior to the meeting thereby called,
the proprietors met at the time and place therein

The requisite quorum assembled and
the President took the chair. The meeting was
too large to be accommodated in the Secretary's
office, and on motion it was voted to adjourn
to the hall on Tremont Street, over the Savings

The meeting came to order in said hall
and the Treasurer read his own report and that
of the Superintendent, and it was voted that the
same be accepted.

The President on behalf of the Trustees stated
that the report of the Trustees would be found
in the introduction to the new catalogue now in

Trustees Records, Volume 2, 1854 (page 015)


Proprietors. 1855

Mount Auburn Cemetery.

The Annual meeting of the Proprietors of the Cemetery
of Mount Auburn, will be held at the office of the Sec.
retary, in the Codman Buildings, at 46 Washington
Street, on to hear the report of the Trustees, Treasurer and
Superintendent; to choose Trustees for the ensuing year, and
to act on any other business which may legally come
before the meeting.

By order of the Trustees.
Henry M. Parker
Boston. .


Pursuant to the foregoing notice which was pub-
lished more than seven days successively in the Boston
Daily Advertiser
, prior to the meeting thereby called,
the proprietors met at the time and place therein

The requisite quorum assembled and
the President took the chair. The meeting was
too large to be accommodated in the Secretary's
office, and on motion it was voted to adjourn
to the hall on Tremont Street, over the Savings

The meeting came to order in said hall
and the Treasurer read his own report and that
of the Superintendent, and it was voted that the
same be accepted.

The President on behalf of the Trustees stated
that the report of the Trustees would be found
in the introduction to the new catalogue now in