Trustees Records, Vol. 3, 1859 (page 155)


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Elizabeth Casner at Sep 16, 2021 02:55 PM

Trustees Records, Vol. 3, 1859 (page 155)


Trustees' Adjd meeting .

A meeting of the Trustees was
held, according to adjournment, on

There were present the President
and Messrs Austin, Cheever, Curtis, Little,
Nazro, Rand and Read.

Roof over Vestibules at Gate _

Upon motion by Mr Nazro, Voted
that, whereas, at the last meeting,
upon recommendation of the Committee
on Grounds, a motion was made to ap-
propriate a sum not exceeding $1600. ~
to the erection of the two granite rooms
at the Gate
, which under the bye law
should have lain over to another meeting,
but was then inadvertently adopted, _
said vote be now reconsidered.

It was then moved by Mr Nazro and
voted that said motion for the appro-
priation of $1600. ~ as aforesaid be adopted.

Treasurer's Annual Rept _

The Treasurer read his annual
report: also that of the Superintendent.

On motion of Mr Austin, the report
was accepted and ordered to be printed.

Trustees' Annual Report.

The President read the annual
report of the Trustees.

Voted, upon motion by Mr
, that the same be adopted and
ordered to be printed.

The President for the Committee
appointed in July last to cause the Chapel

Trustees Records, Vol. 3, 1859 (page 155)


Trustees' Adjd meeting .

A meeting of the Trustees was
held, according to adjournment, on

There were present the President
and Messrs Austin, Cheever, Curtis, Little,
Nazro, Rand and Read.

Roof over Vestibules at Gate _

Upon motion by Mr Nazro, Voted
that, whereas, at the last meeting,
upon recommendation of the Committee
on Grounds, a motion was made to ap-
propriate a sum not exceeding $1600. ~
to the erection of the two granite rooms
at the Gate
, which under the bye law
should have lain over to another meeting,
but was then inadvertently adopted, _
said vote be now reconsidered.

It was then moved by Mr Nazro and
voted that said motion for the appro-
priation of $1600. ~ as aforesaid be adopted.

Treasurer's Annual Rept _

The Treasurer read his annual
report: also that of the Superintendent.

On motion of Mr Austin, the report
was accepted and ordered to be printed.

Trustees' Annual Report.

The President read the annual
report of the Trustees.

Voted, upon motion by Mr
, that the same be adopted and
ordered to be printed.

The President for the Committee
appointed in July last to cause the Chapel