Trustees Records, Vol. 3, 1859 (page 186)


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Elizabeth Casner at Sep 16, 2021 02:59 PM

Trustees Records, Vol. 3, 1859 (page 186)


moneys at Mt Auburn, and a person to
take charge of the Gate."

Supt. to have access to books for examination, and a hearing when he shall desire _

Upon the communication of the
, Mr Rand moved "that
this Board will hear any explanation
from Mr Mann whenever the President
shall call a meeting for that purpose _
that he shall have free access to the
books at this office, and that the Com-
mittee shall furnish him, so far as
they may be able, with specifications of
the charges made against him".

And the motion was unanimously adopted.

Division of lot 2025, – T. T. Sawyer's – authorized, and two lots to be made of same _

Mr Curtis, Chairman of the Committee
on Lots presented the following commu-
nication from Timothy T Sawyer, proprietor
of Lot No 2025, and stated that the Committee
saw no objection to the request being granted.

Charlestown .

To the Trustees of Mt Auburn Cemetery

Lot No 2025, standing in
my name, really belongs one half to me,
and one half to Mrs Susan M Sawyer, widow
of my brother, the late William Sawyer, and
I respectfully request that it may be divided,
and a deed given to Mrs Sawyer for one
half, or 320 feet
, the whole lot containing
640 feet.

signed Timothy T. Sawyer.

Voted that a division of lot 2025 be

Trustees Records, Vol. 3, 1859 (page 186)


moneys at Mt Auburn, and a person to
take charge of the Gate."

Supt. to have access to books for examination, and a hearing when he shall desire _

Upon the communication of the
, Mr Rand moved "that
this Board will hear any explanation
from Mr Mann whenever the President
shall call a meeting for that purpose _
that he shall have free access to the
books at this office, and that the Com-
mittee shall furnish him, so far as
they may be able, with specifications of
the charges made against him".

And the motion was unanimously adopted.

Division of lot 2025, – T. T. Sawyer's – authorized, and two lots to be made of same _

Mr Curtis, Chairman of the Committee
on Lots presented the following commu-
nication from Timothy T Sawyer, proprietor
of Lot No 2025, and stated that the Committee
saw no objection to the request being granted.

Charlestown .

To the Trustees of Mt Auburn Cemetery

Lot No 2025, standing in
my name, really belongs one half to me,
and one half to Mrs Susan M Sawyer, widow
of my brother, the late William Sawyer, and
I respectfully request that it may be divided,
and a deed given to Mrs Sawyer for one
half, or 320 feet
, the whole lot containing
640 feet.

signed Timothy T. Sawyer.

Voted that a division of lot 2025 be