Trustees Records, Vol. 5, 1870 (page 264)


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Elizabeth Casner at Feb 09, 2022 08:24 PM

Trustees Records, Vol. 5, 1870 (page 264)


Trustees. .

new deeds of the same land differently divided.

Chant Lot annexed to the Cemetery.

The President having called attention to the
fact that the Chant Lot of land, so called, had not
yet been formally annexed to the Cemetery by vote, it was

Voted, – that the lot of land recently purchased by
the Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mt Auburn of John
, and known as the Chant Lot, be and the
same is hereby annexed to said Cemetery and made
part thereof.

Voted, – that the Secretary be directed to send a
copy of the foregoing vote to the assessors of Watertown.

Lot 575 Geo. C. Shattuck Subject of don. for p.c. of ref. to Com. on Lots

On motion of Mr Turner, it was

Voted, – that the subject of the donation of $1000.– made
by Dr. George C. Shattuck to the general funds of the Corporation, in
consideration whereof the Trustees, by vote adopted ,
agreed to keep the lot of said Shattuck in perpetual repair
be referred to the Committee on Lots to consider and report.

Mass. Hort. Soc. – Com. on relations of this corpn to, authorized to Employ counsel.

On motion of Mr Perkins, it was

Voted, – that the special Committee appointed , consisting of the President and Messrs. Choate and
Snow, to consider and report what measures, if any,
should be taken to re-adjust or terminate the relations
of this corporation to the Massachusetts Horticultural
, be authorized to obtain the opinion of counsel
on the subject.

Upon the petitions of the parties in interest, representatives were
designated for Lots as follows, viz; –

Trustees Records, Vol. 5, 1870 (page 264)


Trustees. .

new deeds of the same land differently divided.

Chant Lot annexed to the Cemetery.

The President having called attention to the
fact that the Chant Lot of land, so called, had not
yet been formally annexed to the Cemetery by vote, it was

Voted, – that the lot of land recently purchased by
the Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mt Auburn of John
, and known as the Chant Lot, be and the
same is hereby annexed to said Cemetery and made
part thereof.

Voted, – that the Secretary be directed to send a
copy of the foregoing vote to the assessors of Watertown.

Lot 575 Geo. C. Shattuck Subject of don. for p.c. of ref. to Com. on Lots

On motion of Mr Turner, it was

Voted, – that the subject of the donation of $1000.– made
by Dr. George C. Shattuck to the general funds of the Corporation, in
consideration whereof the Trustees, by vote adopted ,
agreed to keep the lot of said Shattuck in perpetual repair
be referred to the Committee on Lots to consider and report.

Mass. Hort. Soc. – Com. on relations of this corpn to, authorized to Employ counsel.

On motion of Mr Perkins, it was

Voted, – that the special Committee appointed , consisting of the President and Messrs. Choate and
Snow, to consider and report what measures, if any,
should be taken to re-adjust or terminate the relations
of this corporation to the Massachusetts Horticultural
, be authorized to obtain the opinion of counsel
on the subject.

Upon the petitions of the parties in interest, representatives were
designated for Lots as follows, viz; –