Trustees Records, Vol. 8, 1907 (Page 238)




Status: Needs Review




The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held
at 12 o'clock noon.


Present Mssrs Almy Richardson Hobbs, Beal, Cotting
Choate Walcott Noble Abbot Hemenway and Hutchins.


The records of the previous meeting were read and approved


The schedule of the monthly bills chargeable to General Account
and amounting to $17221.03 was ordered paid on approval by
the President.

Appt. Rep.

Voted to appoint the following representatives. Lot 5834
Walter C. Hirsh, son, Cambridge. Lot 6364 Nancy J. Isaacs
daughter, Roxbury.

Purchase of new truck

According to notice given at the previous meeting that a
sum not exceeding $3000 would be asked for the purchase of a
truck, it was voted that $2500 be appropriated for such purpose

Authority for Prest. to purchase land ad-joining Stone Farm

Voted that the President be given power to purchase ^in the interests of the Cemetery the lot
of land adjoining the Stone Farm and upon which the Corpora-
tion now holds a mortgage, at a price of not over $5000.00

Authority to the Prest. to negotiate with B+M. RR re - retaining wall

Voted that the President be authorized to enter into negotiation
with the Boston + Maine Railroad with a view to building a re-
taining wall on land of the Cemetery on the line of the location
of said railroad, near Mt. Auburn Street.

Request approv. for avenues + paths

Notice was given that at the next meeting of the Board
the President would ask for an appropriation of $5000. for
the construction of avenues, same to be expected under his direction.

Prentice W. Abbott Secretary

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