


Status: Incomplete




The following statement is presented in answer to the ques-
tion frequently asked in regard to the title to a lot when the
proprietor dies.

By the original act of incorporation, lots are held as real
estate. The proprietor can convey, or by will devise, his lot;
but if he dies intestate it descends to his heirs-at-law, who are
(Pab. St., ch. 125, § 1) :—

Children, and issue of any deceased child.
If no issue, then his or her father and mother.
If no issue nor mother, then his or her father.

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If no issue nor father, then his or her mother.

5. If no issue, and no father nor mother, then his or her
brothers and sisters, and children of any deceased brother or

6. If no issue, and no father, mother, brother, nor sister,
then next of kin.

A. widow has, in common with the children of her deceased
husband, the possession, care and control of his lot during her
life; and if he leaves no children, she has the sole possession,
care and control of the lof during her life. She has also a right
of interment therein, of which she cannot be deprived except
by her own release. Acts of 1885, ch. 302.

Title to lot
held as real

If proprietor
dies intestate.


Rights of
widow in lot.

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