Insight Vol 1_078




Status: Complete

Q. What became of Christs' material body?
A. His physical body returned immediately
to gases as he was amply able to have it do.

Q. Does that explain his ascension?
A. It does and I am glad that you are able to
accept it.

Q. It is a new idea, I never heard it before.
A. Why should I tell you things that you
already know, if I only did that I
would not be a teacher.

Q. If Christs' body was a spiritual body
how could Thomas see the wounds
in his side?
A. Those wounds had sunk deeply
into his spirit and the disciples
saw him as he felt at the time and
as he willed they should see him.
The Passion of the God in humanity is
a great mystery which we all desire
to look into, but which requires the
deepest & most spiritual insight.

Q. We do not understand "The Passion of The

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