p122_Dairy of Martha Call




Status: Complete


doing – so I gave her her choice either to sit where
I told her to, or to leave the school - She chose the
latter, but returned yesterday morning, when again
being told to sit in the corner, she again declined
and again left the school-room. Whenever she returns
whether it is tomorrow, or six months from this time
the first thing that I shall require of her will be to
take her seat in that same corner. So sundry of
the parents I sent notes in regard to their childrens
running away - I have also written a large amount
of books, and procured a supply of Rewards of Merit
which I hope will have a good effect. The books I
distributed quite freely yesterday. So much for
last weeks school. Tomorrow I am going to be much
more strict, and hope that they will behave better.

Monday, Sept 7.
When I got to school this morning, I found my
flock wonderfully increased, so that when I
came to collect and number them, which was
not done without a hard struggle there were
found to be ninety-five present. To get them in
any kind of order was more than I could do.
Elizabeth Pendergast came again, and her father
with her - Poor man! I was very sorry for him
but as she absolutely refused to leave her seat
she had to leave school again. Finding A no use
to attempt regulating so many I sent Timothy

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