


Status: Complete


1. Boyko, A. A.
O faktorah opredelyayushchih
harakter yashchurnykh epizootii i
zakonomernostyah sohraneia virusa yashchurah v
prirode. V kh: Virusnie
bolezni selsko-hozyaist
ennykh zhivotnykh. M.1970.
(On factors determining
the nature of the foot-
and-mouth disease epizootics and on the preservation of the foot-and-mouth
disease virus in the environment. In: Viral infections of agricultural

2. Serer G. O.
O noveishikh metodah profilaktiki i borbi s yashchurom
i chumoi svineie "Mezhdunarodniy selskohozyaistvennykh zhurnal",
1957, No. 2. (On the latest methods of prophylaxis and fight against
foot-and-mouth disease and swine fever. “International Agricultural Journal"),

3. Rerer G,.
Virusnie bolezni zhivotnykh i borba s nimi v Tsentralnoi Yevropee - Vestnik
selskohozyaistvennykh nauki, 1958, No. 10. (Viral infections of animals and
how to fight them in Central Europe. - Agrosciences Herald).

4. Salces F. C.
La lucha contra la fiebre aftosa en la Republica Argentina Gac. ver., 1967,
29, 207, 429.


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