


Status: Complete


In the silty areas we found a large number of larvae and
pupae of the C. nubeculosus and C. puncticollis and the
salinarius group. In a similar brook, (village Tikhonovka)
we observed, in mass, the C. nubeculosus and C. puncticollis,

3. Stagnant water (swamps). As a model we have taken
a large swamp in the lower stream of the brook, this swamp
is very heavily overgrown with sedge and reed. In a few
areas, and in small numbers, we have observed larvae of the
nubeculosus group, the larvae of the salinarius group were
much more numerous. In more open areas the C. subfascipennis
are breeding.

4. Excavation holes. A hole of 15 m2 (3 x 5 m) in the
Malinovka village is a watering place for ducks. Its maximum
depth is 1 m. The banks are devoid of vegetation and they
are silty. Here we found that a large number of the C.
nubeculosus, C. puncticollis, C. salinarius and C. manchuriensis
are observed to develop. Hole-excavation of 10 m2
(5 x 10 m) with silty banks, in the Tushicheskij forest proved
to be a breeding place of types of insects as those in the
Malinkova village.

V. The Shores of the Azov sea.

The articles published by foreign publications (17,
18 and 20) contain information on the breeding of midges in
water holes along the sea shore. The attack by the midges
Leptoconops in the near shore regions of the Caspian was
noted by Sh. Me. Dzjafarov (10).

Our analysis at the shores of the Azov sea have
illustrated that the Priazov plavni (in Russian plavni
means low parts of downstream valleys covered with reed and
trees) and salty-water marshes are the breeding areas, en
masse, of midges belonging to the C. riethi, C. salinarius,
C. manchuriensis, C. maritimus, as well as Leptoconops

The breeding of the midges type C. riethi, C. puncticollis and
C. maritimus took place in periodically dry, barren
shallow water basins with Silty soil. The temperature of
water in these small basins varied from 20 to 27°C.

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