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2 revisions
RaeFerner_Rose at Aug 25, 2021 02:15 PM



Cruse fell off twice. We met many drives of horses and
sheep and two camel trains, while the biggest caravan of
all came through the gate while we were on the Wall. Im-
mensely impressed by the ancient structures. Caught train
and returned to Peking. Went on top of Cathedral for view of
the city. Did some writing in evening.

October 31st.

Called to see Dr. Tenney of the American Legation and also
had an hour or more with Minister Calhoun. Took tiffin with
Mr. Cloud, formerly Consul at Mukden and now representing a
group of American financiers. In afternoon called to see Dr.
Anderson to the Imperial University and remained for dinner.

November 1st.

Mez invited me to go with the bunch of young Germans, so I
went with them to see the Lama Temple, the Great Buddha, the
temple of Confucius, the Hall of Classics and the Yellow
Temple. The latter has a work of art in the beautifully covered
monument hopelessly defaced by Japanese soldiers.

Tiffined with Mr. Cloud and dined with him and Geo.
Bronson Rea, Editor of the Shanghai-Manilla Far Eastern Re-
view? Rea was in Cuba when the "Maine" blew up and knows the
whole story.

November 2nd.

After getting some photographs and doing some shopping, spent
rest of morning with Mr. Joseph Ohl, correspondent of the
New York Herald. Cruse left this afternoon, called home by
the death of his sister. In afternoon had interview with
Sir Robert Breedon and Capt. Reeves, the military attache of
