



Status: Complete


I. That [underlined] the [underlined] bill [underlined] requires [underlined] prior [underlined] approval [underlined] of [underlined] research [underlined] plans; [underlined] (The Cooper Griffiths Bill requires that research plans be submitted to the Secretary of H.E.W. but does not [underlined] require [illegible] [crossed out] the scientist [illegible] [crossed out] wait for approval of his plan before proceeding with the experiments.)

II That [underlined] the [underlined] record [underlined] - keeping [underlined required [underlined] by [underlined] the [underlined] bill [underlined] would [underlined] be [underlined] a [underlined] "drain"; [underlined] (Record-keeping in the Cooper-Griffiths bill is the necessary minimum. As Dr. Bradley Scheer, Chairman of the Department of [illegible] [crossed out] Zoology (?) at the University of Oregon, remarked on a recent letter to Science [underlined], it is to be hoped that any scientist who publishes his results keeps at least the records required by this bill.)

III. [That?] [underlined] government [underlined] inspectors [underlined] would [underlined] have [underlined] the [underlined] authority [underlined] to [underlined] order [underlined] an [underlined] animal [underlined] destroyed [underlined] if [underlined] it [underlined] was [underlined] found [underlined] to [underlined] have [underlined] been [underlined] used [underlined] in [underlined] a [underlined] way [underlined] not [underlined] specified [underlined] in [underlined] the [underlined] research [underlined] plan; [underlined] (There is no such provision in the bill)

It is a sorry commentary that legislation which the major American medical societies now fight with untrue allegations [illegible] the enthusiatic support of the major British medical societies in 1876 [illegible] it was passed in England.

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