



Status: Needs Review

Just a word about the seed beds. They are prepared on the south side of a wall or something which will shield them from north wind. The place for bed should be dug out about six inches and then filled in with rich stable manure. This should then be covered about two or three inches deep with some of the soil, and seed sown in small trenches about one and one-half inches apart. They should be well watered and cared for.

I used two large two-horse wagon loads of stable manure on my garden. I have always found this kind best to keep vines from drying up and tomatoes from decaying.

The young plands, do much better if transplanted from the hot-bed to the cold frame before putting out in the open.

When they are set in garden they should be placed four feet apart each way. The ground should be well stirred around plants by plowing at first while plants are small, but after they get larger the hoe should be used, for with the plough there is a danger of upsetting the roots

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