The String of Pearls (1850), p. 35


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nesvetr at Jun 06, 2016 04:14 PM

The String of Pearls (1850), p. 35

such tremendous powers of mischief, and consequently, as just about this period the defeat of the little lapidary took place, he got considerably the start of his pursuers. He was by no means safe. The cry of "stop thief!" still sounded in his ears, and on he flew, panting with the exertion he made, till he heard a man behind him, say,—
"Turn into the second court on your right, and you will be safe—I'll follow you. They shan't nab you, if I can help it."
Sweeney Todd had not much confidence in human nature—it was not likely he would; but, panting and exhausted as he was, the voice of any one speaking in friendly accents was welcome, and, rather impulsively than from reflection, he darted down the second court to his right.


In a very few minutes Sweeney Todd found that this court had no thoroughfare, and therefore there was no outlet or escape, but he immediately concluded that something more was to be found than was at first sight to be seen, and casting a furtive glance beside him in the direction in which he had come, rested his hand upon a door which stood close by. The door gave way, and Sweeney Todd, hearing, as he imagined, a noise in the street, dashed in, and
closed the door, and then he, heedless of all consequences, walked to the end of a long dirty passage, and, pushing open a door, descended a short flight of steps,
to the bottom of which he had scarcely got, when the door which faced him at the bottom of the steps opened by some hand, and he suddenly found himself in
the presence of a number of men seated round a large table. In an instant all eyes were turned towards Sweeney Todd, who was quite unprepared for such a
scene, and for a minute he knew not what to say; but, as indecision was not Sweeney Todd's characteristic, he at once advanced to the table and sat down.
There was some surprise evinced by the persons who were seated in that room, of whom there were many more than a score, and much talking was going on
among them, which did not appear to cease on his entrance. Those who were near him looked hard at him, but nothing was said for some minutes, and Sweeney
Todd looked about to understand, if lie could, how he was placed, though it could not be much a matter of doubt as to the character of the individuals present.
Their looks were often an index to their vocations, for all grades of the worst of characters were there, and some of { them were by no means complimentary to human nature, for there were some of the most desperate characters that were to be found in London. Sweeney Todd gave>a glance around him, and at once
satisfied himself of the desperate nature of the assembly into which he had thrust himself. They were dressed in various fashions, some after the manner of the city—some more gay, and some half military, while not a few wore the garb of countrymen; but there was in all that an air of scampish, off-hand behaviour, not unmixed with brutality.
"Friend," said one, who sat near him, "how came you here ; are you known here?"
"I came here, because I found the door open 3 and I was told by some one to come here, as I was pursued."
"Ay, some one running after me, you know."




such tremendous powers of mischief, and consequently, as just about this period
the defeat of the little lapidary took place, he got considerably the start of his
j pursuers. He was by no means safe. The cry of " stop thief [* still sounded in his
ears, and on he flew, panting with the exertion he made, till he heard a man behind
him, say, —

" Turn into the second court on your right, and you will be safe— -I'll follow you.
They shan't nab you, if I can help it/ 1

Sweeney Todd had not much confidence in human nature— it was not likely he
would ; but, panting and exhausted as he was, the voice of any one speaking in
friendly accents was welcome, and, rather impulsively than from reflectipn, he
darted down the second court to his right.



Tn a very few minutes Sweeney Todd found that this court had no
thoroughfare, and therefore there was no outlet or escape, but he immediately
concluded that something more was to be found than was at first sight to be
seen, and casting a furtive glance beside him in the direction in which he had
come, rested his hand upon a door which stood close hy. The door gave
way, and Sweeney Todd, hearing, as he imagined, a noise in the street, dashed in, and
closed the door, and then he, heedless of ail consequences, walked to the end of
a long dirty passage, and, pushing open a door, descended a short flight of steps,
to the bottom of which he had scarcely got, when the door which faced him at
the bottom of the steps opened by some hand, and he suddenly found himself in
the presence of a number of men seated round a large table. In an instant all
eyes were turned towards Sweeney Todd, who was quite unprepared for such a
scene, and for a minute he knew not what to say ; but, as indecision was not
Sweeney Todd's characteristic, he at once advanced to the table and sat down.
There was some surprise evinced by the persons who were seated in that room,
of whom there were many more than a score, and much talking was going on
among them, which did not appear to cease on his entrance. Those* who were
near him looked hard at him, but nothing was said for some minutes, and Sweeney
Todd looked about to understand, if lie could, how he was placed, though it
could not be much a matter of doubt as to the character of the individuals preseilt.

Their looks were often an index to their vocations, for all grades of the worst
of characters were there, and some of { them were by no means complimentary to
human nature, for there were some of the most desperate characters that were
to be found in London. Sweeney Todd gave>a glance around him, and at once
satisfied himself of the desperate nature of the assembly into yrhich he had thrust
himself. They were dressed in various fashions, some after the manner of the' city
— some more gay, and some half military, while not a few wore the garb of
countrymen ; but" there was in all that an air of scampish, off-hand behaviour, not
unmixed with brutality.

" Friend/' said one, who sat near him, " how came you here ; are you known
here F 1

" I came here, because I found the door open 3 and I was told by some one to

come here, as I was pursued."

" Pursued ?" ' ' '

" Ay, some one running after me, you know/ 3