


Status: Complete

sible to combine both ends remembering that protection of the
flank of the line of battle takes precedence of other considera-

Let B be the left flank
ship of a line abreat; T a
ram, placed on her beam and
heading the same course.
E is an enemy's ram steering
a course at right angles to
that of B and T. The speed
of the line is 12 knots, that
of E 18 knots; but while B is tied down to her 12 knots, T is capa-
ble of a speed equal to that of E. Now if E has reached such a
position that EB" = 1 1/2 BB" it is plain that E will reach B at B".
T is entrusted with the defense of B against this. So long as E
bears 45º or less forward of the beam from T (as in the positions
E and T & E' and T') the latter is nearer B's line of advance than
E; for E'T" and T'T" being equal, T can always travel by the short-
est path T'B". This is true of any position on E'T' or its prolon-
gation. Consequently below the bearing 45º, T can, and probably s
should, keep his place and the fleet speed; but as that bearing is
reached T's speed should be increased to 18 knots, so that E cannot
cross his bows and get in B's path to his annoyance and possible
injury. So long as T can command speed equal to that of E, the
latter cannot cross his bows, if not permitted to draw ahead of the
45 bearing. If by T's neglect, E is allowed to reach the position

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