


Status: Complete

in the recent 1977 constitution. They say that this has
been done and now we are in a state of the whole people. It's
a complicated explanation, they've quit talking about the
dictatorship of the proletariat and infer that it has served
its purpose, that the social, political, and ideological
unity of the Soviet society has been achieved, and so forth.
So that's kind of an aside about how an ideology gives you
stability and strength but it is also an albatross around
your neck. You just can't discard it. You've got people
programmed and in their case you've got to make up very
elaborate explanations of why certain terms drop out.

Back to the 19th century, and of course the punchline
of this very emotional, well written document, the Communist
and it tells the proletarians, "You have nothing
to lose but your chains and a world to win." The writing
tracks. He works a lot with trends. I think that he extrapolates
his trends a little too far. Have I told you about
General Weyand's talk about trends when he was talking about computers
down at the War College. This is the ex-Chief of Staff of
the Army. He said that he thought that extrapolating trends,
particularly through computerized methods, could sometimes
lead to faulty conclusions. He said, for instance, if you
had tried to make a study of the efficiency of the highway
system of the United States in the 19th century, you know
try to predict what warfare would be like in the middle of the


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