Page 9




Status: Complete

Gave instructions to send a runner back
Down the main road
17 gliders
men under strain - tough time
Strictly contact control - travel light - fast
Nothing but Sauerkrauts between them and the beach
Get to St. M. Dumont - about 11 - took 10 runners
No Germans
4th Division - hit the point of their colums
waved orange flags - friendly troops
Spoke to first guy - where's the commanding officer -
pointed back there.
Recalls - met scouts - road depressed - hill 7 ft. high on the
troops deployed
When left St. Mere Eglise, followed road
deployed on either side of the road
82nd AB control of St. Mere Eglise
Where was he going
His answer - what are they held up for.
Why isn't the column going
He was proceeding in the same direction
One machine gun fired
Pick up
Turn back to St. Mere Eglise

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