Cornelius Ryan WWII papers, box 016, folder 06: Lanceferd B. Pruitt



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Pruitt, Lanceford B. Omaha Navy Ill 25 O LCT Flotilla 19

Box 16, #6

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San Francisco , Calif. ILL 25 (no letters)

For Cornelius Ryan Book about D-day might be excerpts (p.2 LL


What is your full name ? Lanceferd B. Pruitt What was your unit and division? Commanding Officer LCT Flotilla 19 Where did you arrive in Normandy, and at what time ? Omaha Beach, prior H- hour What was your rank on June 6, 1944? Lieutenant Commander What was your age on June 6, 1944? 36

Were you married at that time ? yes What is your wife's name? Ruth R. Pruitt Did you have any children at that time ? no What do you do now? Business When did you know that you were going to be part of the invasion? August 1943 What was the trip like during the crossing of the Channel? Do you remember, for example, any conversations you had or how you passed the time? not too rough. passed the time keeping ships and craft on slow convoy on station

What were the rumors on board the boat, ship or plane in which you made the crossing? (Some people remember scuttlebut to the effect that the Germans had poured gasoline on the water and planned to set it afire when the troops came in ). two or three days prior to sailing for Normandy all flotilla commanders at Portland, England (our invasion port) were notified by Admiral John L.Hall to be in dress blues to meet a V.I.P. the rumor was that it was Mrs Roosevelt. It turned out to be King George of England. He talked with each of us asking where we were from in the states, etc.

Last edit 16 days ago by LibrarianDiva
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- for Cornelius Ryan 2 - Your name L.B. Pruitt

Did you by any chance keep a diary of what happened to you that day? No Were any of your friends killed or wounded either during the landing or during the day? yes Do you remember any conversations you had with them before they became casualties? Were you wounded? only scratched

Do you remember what it was like—that is, do you remember whether you felt any pain or were so surprised that you felt nothing?

Do you remember seeing or hearing anything that seems funny now, even though it may not have seemed funny at the time? during the assault phase we were working LCTs by radio giving work assignments and in the most of it all someone aboard one of the LCTs moved a record player near their set and started broadcasting hillbilly music. not funny then; but a little later it was.

Do you recall any incident, sad or heroic or simply memorable, which struck you more than anything else?

the soldiers standing back to the cliff to keep from being hit by snipers the German 88's in the pill boxes tring do hit our Pc as we cruised up and down the beach; their shell always just a little short as we would turn in and out the DO (destroyer) that took on the pill boxes sinking ships with all hands going over the side the looks on the faces of officers and men, their ships knocked out of action, skipper and crew members killed

Last edit 16 days ago by LibrarianDiva
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- for Cornelius Ryan 3 - Your name L.B. Pruitt

In times of great crisis, people generally show either great ingenuity or self-reliance; others do incredibly stupid things. Do you remember any examples of either from D-day?

Where were you at midnight on June 5, 1944? Headed for the beach crossing with the slow convoy Where were you at midnight on June 6, 1944? operating off Omaha Beach Do you know of anybody else who landed within the 24 hours of D-day, June 6, as infantry, glider or airborne troops, or who took part in the air and sea operations, whom we should write to? Comdr Vernon R.Y. Lynn, NYC Comdr William Leide PLEASE LET US HAVE THIS QUESTIONNAIRE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, SO THAT WE CAN INCLUDE YOUR EXPERIENCES IN THE BOOK. WE HOPE THAT YOU WILL CONTINUE YOUR STORY ON SEPARATE SHEETS IF WE HAVE NOT LEFT SUFFICIENT ROOM. FULL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WILL BE GIVEN IN A CHAPTER CALLED "WHERE THEY ARE NOW;" YOUR NAME AND VOCATION OR OCCUPATION WILL BE LISTED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP. Cornelius Ryan Frances Ward Research, The Reader *s Digest

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Last edit 8 days ago by LibrarianDiva
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July 21, 1958

Commander Lanceferd B. Pruitt 2416 Prairi Avenue Mattoon, Illinois Apt 5 280 Alhambra Street San Francisco, Calif

Dear Commander Pruitt:

A history of D-Day, June 6, 1944, to coincide with the 15th anniver- sary of the Normandy invasion next year is being prepared by Cornelius Ryan for publication in the Reader's Digest and in book form. It Is being written with the complete cooperation arid assistance of the De- partment of the Army and the Department of Defense. This will not be another strategic history of invasion day, but a story of the twenty- four hours of D-Day as people lived them and remembered them. For this, we can only go to the men who were there and, if they are willing, in- vade their memories. Having learned of the part which you played in the invasion, we hope very much that you will be interested in the project and agree to help us. During the next few months, both in this country and in Europe, Mr. Ryan will be interviewing many of the D-Day participants who agree to con- tribute to the book. Very probably, he will wish to talk with you during that period. In the meantime, since we are dealing with literally hun- dreds of people, we have found it necessary to develop an individual file on each person who agrees to help us. Therefore, we hope that if you are interested in the project, you will complete the enclosed record and return it to me at your earliest convenience. We truly believe that these questions will serve you, as well as us, If they can help to crys- tallize some hazy memories and to indicate the sort of information which we are seeking. I should be most grateful to know as soon as possible when and if you will be available for interview during the next few months. We want very much to tell the story of your unit, and in order to do that we need your personal account. We look forward eagerly to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Frances Ward Research Department

FW;LL Enclosure

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