Page 4




Status: Complete

In times of great crisis, people generally show either great ingenuity
or self-reliance; others do incredibly strange or stupid things. Do
you remember any examples of either? Whether it seem stupid or what, but
I [inserted]recieved[end inserted] [crossed out]earned[end crossed out] the military medal when we took a corner for an aproach down a slope
to a bridge. I got pinned down with machine gun fire. After a while I took a
chance took a header into the ditch, and found a covered aproach right down to the
bridge, I crawled down cautucesly hoping to have a look around. I came out to the
flank of two "Jerrys" hovering over a machine gun and another Jerry in a fox hole near
by - they must have thought me a full section they threw their hands up, but wouldnt
move, seems ages, suddenly one threw a stick grenade at me but coming from his
fox hole the grenade went wide all this time I had a grenade with the pin out
motioning them to come out - so when the grenade came at me I dived to one
side, a split second I was up and practically put my grenade in the two Jerrys
fox hole who were crouched up from the blast of their own grenade. I killed them
both, kicking their machine gun in the river and bringing the third Jerry
Prisoner walking him, [crossed out]me backwards up the road[end crossed out] up the road. I had him shield me while I walked backwards.

Do you know of anybody else who landed within the 24 hours (midnight
5 June to midnight 6 June) either as infantry, glider or airborne troops,
whom we should write to?

What do you do now? Driving a diesel Loco in the new
strip mill - Steel Company of Wales
Port Talbot.

Please let us have this questionnaire as soon as possible, so that we
can include your experiences in the book. We hope that you will continue
your story on separate sheets if we have not left sufficient room. Full
acknowledgement will be given in a chapter called "Where They Are Now."
Cornelius Ryan
Joan O. Isaacs
The Reader's Digest

Please excuse poor writing or Printing, rather Pushed
for time.
W.J. Thomas

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