Farfel Notebook 04: Leaves 223-316



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Dr . Eichenberger (241) BeinwilAm See SF 135 = &67.50 Sept.'86 Augustinus Aurelius . (354 - 430 AD) De civitate dei. Rome : Connadus Sweynheym [inserted]died 1478[end inserted] & Arnoldus Pannertz, [inserted]died 1476[end inserted] (both clerics) 1468 . f.o (398x265mm) (house of Petreus de Maxime.) Ref : Goff A-1231 . HC 2047 GW 2875 BMC IV, 5 . IGI 967 LC (40.8cm) rubricated red ,blue& green Cop : HEHL , New L . Book 22 - C.XV-XVIII Aaray Kant. B. (a8b8c10-o10p12q10-z10 A10 -C10 D8E8) 2747 May 1473 . lines , 267 x 171 mm. Type 115 R . Capital spaces 2 line initials in alternating red & blue penwork large text type of rather irregular appearance . The capitals are mostly broad - bold serifs. BM385 x 267 (398 x 290 mm) a8 b8 c20-e10 f8-h8 i10-L10 m8-o8 p10-s10t8v8x10-z10 A8-C8D10 E10F12G10H8I10 Nov . 1467 set uptheir presses in the house of the brothers de Maximis. Only , book was produced by them at Rome in 1467 , but they continued printing regularly from 1468 to 1473 , their last joint work being the Pliny of Produced 4 books at Subinco , 48 in Rome . Pannertz - 12 on his own. most editions - 275 copies , 4 - 300. - 271 leaves ; 44 A-1230 12 June 1467 Subiaco - 271 leaves ; 44 lines , 264 x 165mm. Type 120SG. (editio princeps) A- 1232 1470 Rome - 294 leaves ; 46 lines, 264 x 169 mm fo Type 115R. Cop Basel OB Lyon Borum Ref : Hc 2049 BMCIV 10 , GW2876 IGI 968 Cop : HEHL , U ChiL (15 5/6 x 10 7/8") (104598) rub. in red & blue - the r's are r (without serif) - headings are printed in this edition rather than in MSS. r - this has at first a straight shank without serif at base , but about the middle of 1470 is almost entirely superseded by a possibly slightly smaller form - base serif.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Etenferl
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which faded at the end of the 12th C. White vine scroll letters were revived in the 15th C by humanistic illuminators who believed that many of the manuscripts in which this form appeared were ancient Roman works. [?(bia chi gineni)?] White vine - stems and leaves of the vine plant [insert] (uncolored) [end insert] painted white on a colored background. In the 14th C white vines were used to embellish capitals in manuscripts especially in Italy. Their popularity endured longer than the Romanesque style in [illegible] - price 5 ducats (1 papal ducat of a metal was equivalent to 9/56/d in gold) cost of paper was heavy at this time - nearly 1/2 the [illegible] price of a book. Sweynheym and Pannartz (2 of Fust's pupils) in 1467 transferred their press from Subiaco in the Benedictine Convent of St. Scholastica to Rome at Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne, This 2nd ed of the great apologia for Christianity is printed in roman Type, S and P having abandoned their roman/gothic font when they moved from Subiaco in 1467. Though not quite the equal aesthetically of the Subiaco Type, in which the 1st ed (1467) was printed, it is still a splendid design, a little more solid, bolder and nearer to its calligraphic origins than the more modern roman faces. Second (first Roman) edition, preceded by the Subiaco ed. of the previous year from the same press. The first 3 printing of [?fices?] in Rome were all established by Germans around the same date (1467) : Sweynheym and Pannartz, Sixtus Riessinger, and Ulrich Han. Copies 1 - 275, 550 (their Bible), 825 and 1100 (only 2 books) produced

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Last edit over 3 years ago by abigailrose
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242 Dr . Eichenberger Beinwil Am See SF 90 = $45 Sept. '86

Brunschwig , Hieronymus (ca. 1450 - ca. 1512) Medicinius . Das buch der Gesuntheit . Liber de arte distillandi Simplicia et Composita . Das nuw buch der rechten kunst zn distilliren. (1483 - 1531) Strassburg : Johann Gruninger . 1 April 1505. fo Ref : Nissen 263 Pritzel 1293 Wellcome I , 1112 Weller p.557 [inserted]311.[end inserted] BenzigII , Kristeller 107. Muhl 62. Muther 559 . Schmidt 71.(Vol?) Cop : N.Y. Academy for Medicine* Das 1111 Capitel Panzer, Annalen I page 269 #557. [inserted]colored cuts[end inserted] MMu(P) L , Colmriville . London WL (Cat. 1112) L 1111 2 col. 192 leaves , (194 , badly numbered 188), CXXX (but 134) Brunschwig alone. With about 250 (264) larger & smaller woodcuts chiefly of plants, but showing alson stills , gardening operations ,scenes at the sickbed etc. - 2nd printing of Brunschwig's book on distillation of plants for pharmacological purposes . this ed. was published - works by Ficino & Konrad of Strassburg. - Very rare ed.,the lot of this collection . It consists of 6 parts : The 1st 2 are really identicle - the corresponding ones of The "Keines Distillierbuch." The 3rd & 4th contain a German translation bu J. Adelphus , of the 2 first [inserted]Das Buch des Lebans'[end inserted] books of Fininus' De triplici vita . The 5th deals - distilled liquids & their healing powers . The last is a small dispensatory for the poor people. 1986 Sotheby Sale est. 2000 - 3500 The last 2 books probably printed here for the 1st time. Johannes Adelphus fl. 1500 - 1521 Marsilio Ficino 1433 -1499 - Florentine - was the son of Cosimo de Medicis personal physician ; this powerful [inserted]also an astrologer & an Alchemist. patron provided the means for him to pursue a life of scholarship & from 1459 he worked solely on Plato. *{CLXXXVIII - errors in foliation , actually 1941. {Sig : A8 , B - D , Dd6 Ddd4 E-T6 V8 X4 Y-Z , 2A - 2F6, 2G8 a guide to the good life , both from the philosophical & medical point of view.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Etenferl
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1505- a new edition of his book on distillation appeared in a greatly altered form . The value of the 1st ed . (1500) had been impaired by its prolixity & many repititions . In the new ed. The 1st part was shortened , the 3rd entirely omitted & only the 2nd taken up as a whole . Instead , a short treatise on compounds "Composits" by a Strass. master Konrad was added , to gether - M. Ficino's book on Longevity , as that the * Medicinarius . 2 col. ,sauf les prefaces . 188 f. num., la pagination se suivant a travers les deax parties . Schmidt #71 Tome I 2148 S 89 S3 Ref - avec addition de la traduction des 2 premiers liv res du de trip liciv ita de Marsile Ficin , par Jean Adelphus ; f0. 170b suit , comme 5e liv re , un traite sur la Quinta efsantia , et la preperation de l' Agua vitae , aurum potabile ; f.o 182b, comme 6e livre. Graveures : l es livre de l'ouvrage de Brunechwig , appareils de distillation ; 2e livre , plantes (simples) Marsile Ficin - 25 gravures. * result was a combination in the Gruninger style. Great & Little distillation books. 1512 fo - woodcut of compound still on title , large double page woodcut & 257 woodcuts in text (some repeated) 1st ed. "Grosses" Bunzig 31 Durling 748 choulant 83 1515 fo - woodcut of garden and distillation on title , large duble page woodcut & 275 woodcuts of text of which 208 are botanical " Kleines" 4th ed. (1500 1st , 1505 2nd , 1508-9 3rd) Benzig 13 Nissen BB1 266 Choulant 84. These 2 works were the most popular vernacular manuals of domestic pharmacology in the 16 th C. Brunschwig's innovation upon conventional pharmacology was to apply steam distillation to seperating the active constituent of medicinal substances from their matrix , in most cases being plants. Great - 3rd part treats of diseases & these distillates appropriate to their treatment. Little is the compliment & companion to the above. The 1st part is again devoted to techniques od distillation. This is followed by an alphebetical catalogue of herbs, - illust. synonomics , medical properties & specifications & information on how they are to be distilled. The botanical cuts are from Pruss's Hortus's Hortus sanitatis editions and Gruninger's German Hortus ed.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Etenferl
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