Chrysalis, Alwin Nikolais, 1990


Chrysalis, Alwin Nikolais, 1990

What's happening in this image? (There are no wrong answers! Feel free to describe the movement, provide additional context, add dancer birth & death dates, or note any details relevant to dance study & research.):

Suggest a new title for the image if the current one is inaccurate or lacks important information.: The Crystal and The Sphere

Performance date (YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD):

Commissioned by: The Kennedy Center Imagination Celebration

Dance title:

Dance title (if Other): The Crystal and The Sphere

Dance title - variations & related works:

Section title - if part of larger work: Bird Dance

Dancer (select all that apply): DeFilippis, Trista Redavid (dancer); Pajak, Susan (dancer)

Additional dancers (separate with semicolon):

Dance Company: Nikolais and Murray Louis Dance Company

Dance Company (if Other):


Photographer (if Other):

Additional contributors:

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