Colonization correspondence 1825-1831



Needs Review


ber of the firm and ardent friends of this unhappy race, to meet with them at Newark, on Monday the 7th instant, and agreeably to such invitation, the following gentlemen attended :

Last edit 7 months ago by galingog25


Circular on the African Ed. Society. Aug 15th 1826.

Last edit 5 months ago by aeide
Needs Review


Misionary Rooms Boston 15th Jan. 1827. Dear Sir, your letter of The 12th inst was headed home this morning. In regard to this report;- I have no copy of it- that is- I have nothing but the one which I read. I have looked at it with the design of writing or selecting- I find there is agreement of solid fact in it; and can hardly think its publication would do much, if any, good. - The same is true of all the other matter which I have on hand. It is theory-opinion. & you know people like to be fed with facts- and then form opinions & theories from this own views of these facts; orperhaps they will recieve a little help- in this formation of opinion- if you will, in the first place present your facts. and then make our theories for them by fair and obvious deduction. The amount is, that this is the day of facts. They govern - they have power - the real weight of what I have written of the subject of Slavery & colonization, when weighted in this balace, would be small - this is the reason why I have not published anything as, the Committee talked of, and I intended when I left Anodver- However I must set down

Last edit 5 months ago by aeide


some of this neglect to their laziness - and some of it - to other engagements - and togther & distracted Subjects of consideration - There are so many things which I wish to do - and which seem about equally to claim my attention - that I know not what to take first - and therefore neglect them all - This Africa Subject demands the attention - the exclusive attention, of some man of character - It will go on languidly until it receives it - In the benevolent object of the day - the people's feelings are excited - and when something is given them to do - and they then interest & cooperation is secured - But that of the Colonization Society is difficult - It is far off from this part of the country - Is not presented here so as to appear later equal & commanding object - does not secure their confidence, and the labors of the Southerneres are good for above noting - I means the labor of the most of them - who enter with no spirit in the subject. In this cause - too - You havae not merely to awake the attentions and secure the efforts of Christians - Political men have erected a barrier which can be carried only by storm - It is one of the cares where political men can {llegible} efforts of Christians - oppose them directly - and perhaps entirely thwart them for some time to come. But no doubt it will succeed - and succeed by the incessant application of Christian principles in connexion with the appalling facts - which will ever be inseparable for its Slave System. The feeling must not go down in the Seminary - That Committe, I think, can in the long run {illegible} by keeping up the interest and forming views themselves - and in the other men of the Seminary - then all the other bodies of men and instruments now existing in our country are doing. I regret that Edwards & Maxwell have left the seminary - If there was no other reason than his influence on this subject - I think Edwards - could not hope to do as much any where else. Let it be for the best. I am in haste - hope to see you before many weeks have passed. I can I will do from this with my Report - Yours truly D Greene Mr. Amor Blanchard

Last edit 5 months ago by aeide
Needs Review


Mr. Amos Blanehan, This Seminary Andover

Last edit 7 months ago by galingog25
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