


Status: Needs Review



"ept. 21, 1932
Phillips Academy
Andoveij, Mass.

Dear Dad

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and Mother:

It isn't Sunday yet but I thought you would be glad
to hear from me anyway. In the first place I think you-might
be interested in my work at the dining hall more commonly known
as the Beanery. The first meal I was put in the senior room
and only about 12 or 15 came in and did not sit at my table.
Thus I had nothing to do except clean off the good food which
I had already put on. This morning I had about half a table,
this noon, three, and tonight, a full table. I had my job
changed from work in the pantry to a waiter's job. If everything
goes off as it is planned some lucky seniors are going to have
Yours Truly as their [faithful and efficient waiter at(mealtime.
The job is not at all hard. We eat from half to tnree-Tortns of
an hour before the others and then spend between five and ten
minutes setting up the table with butter, milk, etc. We are
usually through about a half hour after the common mob starts eating.

My room mate is 0. K. He seems to be a quiet, conscientious fellow who is usually content to be alone. I think I will get along great with him. He had a brother up here last year and we have got a lot of his stuff including a table, books, curtains, pictures, etc. The curtains aren't up yet but nevertheless our room is fixed up pretty well.

Bob dropped in last night when I was in my room. We talked for some time and then went over to Hay's room. His mother came up and stayed overnight. While getting some of their things she got me several things, among them a blotter for my desk, some fruit, cookies and a few other things. I was quite surprised and very much pleased. I spent most of today with 8H& either Bob, Ray, or Norm,
or combinations of them. Bob helped me choose my teachers and make put my schedule, although I am not sure that I can get it fixed up just as we have planned.

I saw McDuffee about that laundry job. I haven't found anything definite but
there is a chance of getting the Job.

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