


Status: Complete

June 4, 1933
Phillips Academy Andover,

Dear Mother and Dad:
No doubt you have heard about the outcome of thetrack meet. 79 to
47 in our favor. It was a sweltering day, the kind when 9s ice cream and pop
salesmen take people's money away from them, &*veryone thought that we would win,
but the result was far beyond the most optomistic prophecies. We took ten firsts and
Bill Hardigg tied for another inx the pole vault. I'll send a Phlllippian for further news.*
I'm glad we had a chance to have at least one victory parade this year.
I didn't know what to expect but it was certainly wonderful. I suppose you have
been through it all but I think you'll be Interested in what happened. At eight o'clock the
whoi.e school assembled behind the band and a horse and wagon which carried the team.
All of the students except the seniors carried torches which were strung out solid
for about one hundred yards, we marched with much noise and bolsterousness fiown
main street, over to Abbott, to Dr. Fuess 1 house where he gave a speech, arid
then in back of the cage where a hugh bonfire was burning. There the customary
speeches were given and cheered enthusiastically. After the regular movies«which lasted
until 11:30, we sat up until 12:30 eating and talking about the meet. It was a great meet
and a gpjrreat day as one member of the team said;
I think the room stuation will work out all right. If everything
works out all right,which it won't if things go as they have been going, I'll room
with FPred Capers, who is about the most prominent non-fraternity member
of the school. He defeated Tom Campion for xOaa football manager, and will
probably make a better room mate. I got a 97 In another history test which brings
my average over 95* To offset that I got a 60 in a geometry test. He's giving
me a makeup though as I proved the wwrong theorem by mistake. Signing off
now to go for a swim.

J ygylc^

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