



Status: Needs Review

Andover. Mass Sept.13.1865
Dear Mother,
I am in trouble. Last night about
7 1/4 Taft Senior came in + sat in the rocking chair + acted
foolishly I suspected something & soon Gray Middler came in +
asked me to go + look at some stove pipe which he
had offered me for sale.* I went got them + on returning
when on stairs leading to 2nd. story I received the contents
of a full pail ful of water it was dark but I heard

*I omitted I looked for my hat to put it on to go with
him not finding it missing, supposing I had mislaid
it I borrowed Seymours,


steps upstairs + a door close I went up + found after
a long knocking at the door + getting in an assembly.
Taft then proposed Mr Beach Senior as Chairman + they had a
mock meeting I was elected Sec. pro. tem. (Explanation of Sec. pro.
tem. The class had a meeting the other day + I in simpleness of heart,
got up stated that there should be a Secretary pro. tem. to keep a record
of the meeting + also asked what the [?] of the meeting was. I learned that
it was to engage speakers +c. for the winter + if not enough tickets are sold
each time the club class makes up the rest. Since then they regarded this as interference
+ sec. pro. tem has been a joke against me.) Taft is a great coarse
boy who smoke, chews, + swears. He uses tobacco so much that he cant say
the name Cary [?] care - [?]. His tongue is as thick with chewing.)

Shall I pay my share or not.

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