QSA847026 1880 Memo from William Landers 18 June, Colonial Secretarys In Letters 80:3680, Part 3 DR65835





Townsville Oct 13th

A Named Geary understood by us to be Inspector Geary in conexion with Black = E force He sold me a chesnut Mare at the time, he lived here in my house )Court House hotel) for about a fortnight_ there was a pack saddle which I understood would go with with the Mare when I bought her_ I seen Senior Sargeant speaking to him I understood it was about a gun and I also understood the Sergeant Knew that Both horses the one he sold Meskel and Mine were for sale with their Gear however the Sergeant ask some time perhaps a week after Geary had leftt here was a pack saddle with the Mare I [how] [Struck Out] _ The

I told him there was and got or showed him in the harness room, he took it on behalf of the government _ I remarked at the time that - it was hard for me to loose the sadle as they should have taken it from him before he sold it o me, and I understood they Knew the lot was for sale the Sergeant asked me if I had the receipt but upon looking at the receipt we found that the sadle was not Mentioned So he took possession of the Sadle with gear to gether with an old Canvas bag, Post office printed on it [this][Struck Out] had I been at home I would insist upon the sadle being included but

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I was away with the railway 8 Mile Camps Mail, which I am a Contractor of - on the day I went out with the Mail I gave orders to My daughter to give the Money I had offered to him Geary if he would accept and for her to get the receipt so that is how it is I had never seen the receipt until the Sergeant ask for it _ for he Geary did accept and give the Receipt on that Mail day above men = = tioned Wm Landers Townsville 18.6.80.

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