QSA847276 1887 Letter from W.H. Kent to Colonial Secretary 2 November, Colonial Secretarys Office In Letters, In letter 88/4237, DR78397





W. H. Kent suggestions re Native Blacks.


Ack. & return Accdly 8 . 11 . 89 J.W.[?]

Ipswich 2nd November 1889

Dear Sir,

Re Northern Blacks

I would suggest that the Government set aside two blocks of land on some uninhabited river, forming a coast station near the mouth and an inland station on the upper waters of same. The coastal station sperintended by a naturalist, a few experienced fishermen & a taxidermist (all Married) provided with boats, a few fishing nets for a start, with a supply of material to make other nets, which the gins can do, add some tools, axes, small picks the latter to enable them to get at the yams & cathey[?] (U. Burdekin Voc) this being the root from which they manufacture their flour & I believe it will yet be used by the whites as a food.

After a fair allowance of time the station should be

Last edit over 1 year ago by Queensland Frontier Conflict


W. H. Kent suggestions re Native Blacks


self supporting, their products being station Bags, Skins, possum rugs, honey fibre, dried fish, also fish, birds, animals, botanical specimens and other collections for the Museum, these products the blacks have a knowledge of, they cannot be approached in any other way, until something practical is taught them of ourselves & belongings.

The Inland Station is required by them for their Annual Yabbera (meeting of tribes) change of air water dictate a custom always practiced by them as the seasons come round.

Theology is not the thing for our blacks, give them something speculative say Darwinian & your advances are understood anything else is treated with a burst of natural laughter, that at all times is a treat to hear Written in a friendly


spirit & Trusting that your star is still in the ascendant Believe me Yours Faithfully W. H. Kent, Herbert Street

Sir S. W. Griffith Brisbane.

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