QSA847513 1894 Letter from W Finucane to Colonial Secretary 26 September, In letter 94:11063, Colonial Secretarys Office In Letters DR63837





[centred, in red ink] Police [centred] Queensland

[oval red stamp, left of centre] COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE . QUEENSLAND 11063 [tick] 28 . SEP . 94

[top left margin] In your reply be sure to give 94 . 9006. S . this number in the margin.

[right of page] POLICE DEPARTMENT, COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE BRISBANE, _____26th___September___1894

[written diagonally, in red ink, on right of page] U

[written diagonally, in red ink, in left margin] X [written diagonally, in pencil, below X] Mr. Finucane sends this with the message that it is urgent [initialled] HT 26 . 9 . 94.

[written diagonally in left margin] Ex Minute [green ✔] 26 . 9 . 94.

[written sideways, in left margin] appd [initialled] HT 26 9 94.

[diagonal stamp, bottom of left margin] EX. MIN. 26 . 9 . 94. The Commissioner of Police 1 : 10 : 94. 5662.


I have the honor to recommend the following [underlined in red ink] transfer and assignment of District in terms of Section 4 of "The Police Act of 1863"

Second Class Sub Inspector Percy Dumas Fead Galbraith to the Mitchell District (Longreach) - from the Cook - (Cairns) District

I have the honor to be Sir, Your most obedient servant

[signed] W. Finucane pro Commissioner of Police

[bottom-left margin] The Honorable The Colonial Secretary

Last edit 11 months ago by Queensland Frontier Conflict
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